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A second businesswoman was arrested in Plovdiv

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A businesswoman was arrested a few days ago in Plovdiv. It informs you about this Plovdiv24.bg Friday 28 October. Today it has become clear who the woman is: Saliha Osmanova (Ahmedova).

Officially from the Ministry of the Interior in the city under the hills:

“Another successful action to prevent crimes against intellectual property and tax legislation was carried out on October 27 by employees of the” Economic Police “department of the Plovdiv Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Procedural-investigative actions were conducted under the supervision of the District Prosecutor’s Office – Plovdiv. During a search in a warehouse in the North Industrial Area, numerous boxes of clothes, shoes and accessories were found, marked with the signs of more than 10 world-famous brands, without the necessary documents for the consent of the right holder.

It was made clear that the approximately 6,000 items seized were destined for internet distribution via courier services in European countries. The user of the warehouse – owner of a sole proprietorship – was detained for a maximum period of 24 hours. In the case, the preliminary investigation procedure was initiated pursuant to art. 172b of the penal code.

Work on its documentation continues under the instructions of the supervising district attorney. To assess the amount of damage to injured legal persons, owners of protected trademarks, the appointment of suitable expert reports must be entrusted “.

For another similar case recently, read here.

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