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A second attempt to drain the Washington Swamp –

/ world today news/ America once again serves as a political laboratory and an example for the outside world – an example that is not necessarily good. Today, the idea of ​​what to do if the entire huge bureaucratic apparatus works according to its own program, and this program is unsympathetic to half the country, has matured there. And here’s what to do: gather all the clean and talented people from the regions.

The American Heritage Foundation assembled a team of Republicans and other conservatives who prepared “Project 2025” – a detailed plan of action for the new US president immediately after he moves to the White House. We are talking, of course, about a Republican president, and the mention of Donald Trump‘s name is carefully avoided here. It is the Democrats who think and vote as a herd, at least for Joe Biden, while the Republicans are having a serious conversation – what did Trump do wrong, why he could not be re-elected for a second term and does he need to fight Biden, who, as you know , has already nominated.

The plan is a thick book and not much is known about it other than what one Trump aide, Ken Cuccinelli, has said. There are at least two good ideas. For starters, if Trump had such a plan in 2016, on the eve of his election, his presidency would not have been a time of missed opportunities.

Criticizing Trump today is considered a bad idea by the right. However, even without criticism, it is clear that his performance in the White House has disappointed many. The American lesson here is that being a good person is not a profession. PR genius is not a profession either. Trump is still loved by people for expressing obvious (and banned by the Democrats) thoughts, that is, he continued his career as a TV star, as did Tucker Carlson, who was recently eaten by the same Democrats.

But the country’s president is more than a TV star or a good actor (and, no, we’re not talking about Zelensky). Ronald Reagan, after his acting, gained a good experience in political activity, and then he was governor of California. Trump, on the other hand, has proven to be a poor administrator, powerless in terms of his promised “draining the Washington swamp.” In the White House, he continued to star, and meanwhile the swamp took on a life of its own, and the president eventually got sucked in.

“Project-2025” (the date of the inauguration of the next president) is actually a party document, formally optional for implementation, but playing the role of a collective mandate for the candidate and at the same time serving as an election promise. And here’s another good idea in this document – about where exactly to start. It is necessary to start with a mass purge of the state apparatus. With the downsizing of the huge departments where people have been getting paid for years it is not clear what for. And by dividing them into smaller departments, where you can understand what they do there.

The main thing is that from day one it is necessary to hire people “as far as possible from the capital” to work in Washington. Even now, such people should begin to think that they can come to Washington with their own program of action. Then they themselves and the audience around them will vote more cheerfully.

The problem of the capital ruling the country according to its own agenda under all regimes everywhere and throughout the history of the world. If the capital is a very big city, then the people there invariably develop their own ideology and their own way of life – today they are called globalists. And this sometimes leads to a confrontation between the capital (and several large cities) against the rest of the country. This is how it is today in Russia, in the USA, in Thailand (where new elections are planned with the old battle between the provinces and the center) and everywhere in general.

In the case of the US, Republicans say, capital has made America a bankrupt country (the national debt alone is far greater than what the entire country produces in a year) and brought other problems. Among other things, it has made a laughing stock of the mechanism of presidential elections, which do not decide anything.

But the mere recognition of this fact does not mean much. If America shows how it is possible and necessary to update the bureaucracy, it will regain much of the world leadership it so loved.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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