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“A screwed attitude” SHOW The Intransigent

During the last hours a new scandal broke out around Susana Gimenez. It is that, after having reconciled with Carlos Perciavallethe Uruguayan actor did not hesitate to point without filter against the diva in a note for ‘in the afternoon‘. In front of this, on the screen of America TV They decided to discuss what happened, and several panelists came out to defend Su.

For many years, Susana Giménez and Carlos Perciavalle were in a fight. However, months ago, the diva received a greeting from the renowned Uruguayan actor, leaving their confrontation behind. Despite this, in ‘A la Tarde’, they surprised by sharing a note with Carlos, where he targeted Susana’s daughter. “If I see her now, I don’t recognize her, she is very cute… And I also think that she should have worked a bit…”, the actor began by sentencing.

Then he added: “Well, that’s it, have fun, you have divine children, Susana loves them. She doesn’t like being called ‘grandma’, but she loves them. She is fine, Mecha is divine, she made the best life she could, and I totally agree, I have absolutely nothing to say against it ». At the end of listening to the note, Luis Bremer expressed: “He reiterates and emphasizes ‘he should have worked a little’. This ratifies a phrase that Susana always says, that she says ‘with humor they have been putting it in me for 20 years’ ».

«What does Susana’s environment say today? She says ‘she’s a mythomaniac’, directly. They do not evade, they say that ‘it is already a broken relationship, Carlitos is a mythomaniac,’ “said the journalist. At that moment, Luis Ventura decided to share his position on the matter: «I can tell you the truth or I can give my opinion. As an opinion, it seems to me a screwed up attitude of Perciavalle. The truth is different… Carlitos is sick».

Quickly, they asked him in what sense he says it, if he is delusional, and Ventura affirmed: “And yes, the fight with China, the fight with Susana. Because he says ‘Mecha is a divine’, but, a couple of hours ago he said that she was a stup*da. That you mess with Susana seems barbaric to me, now, with Susana’s daughter it is wrong ». To which Diego Estévez added: “And claim it out of humor.”

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