Home » World » A scenario for ending the Ukrainian conflict has been released: NATO in exchange for territories, but not now – 2024-08-01 18:59:30

A scenario for ending the Ukrainian conflict has been released: NATO in exchange for territories, but not now – 2024-08-01 18:59:30

/ world today news/ The Secretary of the Secretary General of NATO revealed the main “bourgeois secret”. Most likely he slipped and now he will suffer for it. Our “Western friends” are seriously discussing that Ukraine will have to pay with territories for membership in the Alliance. The chief of staff of the NATO Secretary General, Stian Jensen, announced during debates in the Norwegian Atlantic Committee about the hypothetical possibility of such a scenario for the end of the Ukrainian conflict: the official Kiev refuses control over part of the territories it currently considers its own. And Russia, in response, removes objections to the accession of the rest of Ukraine to NATO.

The Zelensky regime, through the spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council, Alexei Danilov, immediately rejected this idea. It does not correspond to the official position of Russia either.

In the Kremlin, they are still categorically against the entry of the neighboring country into NATO in any form – even if this “form of Ukraine” includes only Lviv and the other “western” territories. But it is an intriguing symptom!

The people who run the personal office of the NATO Secretary General (as well as all other senior leaders) are not random.

The trusted personal secretary, head of the office, head of the apparatus – the title of the position in this case is not important. The important thing is that its owner is usually a confidant of his boss and knows exactly what he is thinking.

Usually, however, this knowledge is combined with the ability to keep one’s mouth shut and not endanger oneself or one’s superior by publicly commenting outside the “general party line”.

But let’s not waste time wondering why, in this case, professional skill failed Stian Jensen. Let us instead take as a working hypothesis: what Jensen says out loud, Stoltenberg thinks to himself. And such a hypothesis has every right to exist.

The official position of the collective West is absolute support for Ukraine to the victorious end. However, there are realists in the Western governing structures who understand: this famous “end” may not be “won” precisely for Ukraine.

They think, they can’t help but think about possible compromises. And what Stian Jensen is commenting on is one such possible compromise that each of the parties to the conflict can, if they wish, present as their victory.

If we look at the “Jensen plan” from the point of view of the West: Russia did not want Ukraine to join NATO? Did not want. Has Ukraine joined NATO? The matter is resolved! Kiev and its loyal Western allies have achieved their goal!

But if we look from Moscow, everything looks completely different. Ukraine’s entry into NATO in a limited format (especially in a very limited format) is equal to a free certificate for increasing the potency after amputation of the organ whose potency these courses should theoretically increase.

I agree to. This all sounds like something entirely hypothetical and underdeveloped. And it doesn’t just sound.

The “Jensen plan” is a political half-baked product – and that’s all. But the very fact that this semi-finished product appeared in the light of day and even came out into the public space is very telling. And this shows, above all, that the leading circles of the West understand: the Ukrainian conflict is at a standstill and they must look for a way out of it.

Stian Jensen tried to do so – with possibly fatal and hopeless consequences for his career. When the “Secretary’s Secretary” hits the news agenda, it’s usually a sign that he’ll soon have to look for a new job.

But in the “general scheme of the world” this, of course, does not matter. The significance is that the West has begun to think seriously about tomorrow, when their total victory in Ukraine is still within the desired but not achieved.

Another issue is that this “tomorrow” is not here yet. Whereas in the independent it is “endless today”, where the bet – at least officially – is on military victory.

Stian Jensen opened the curtain for a moment and showed us in which direction the NATO strategists (or rather some of the NATO strategists) are thinking. Now this curtain will probably be tightly closed again until better times – “better”, of course, in the Russian understanding.

Translation: SM

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