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A safer Internet for education and development

This February 9 will commemorate the eighteenth edition of the Safe Internet Day, a day driven by the Red Insafe/Inhope with the support for from European Comission, what are you looking for position a world level, the safe use Y responsible from Internet and the digital technologies. Within the framework of this initiative, which in 2021 has the slogan “One Internet better starts with you: more connected, safer “, I share with you some reflections on the importance of forming a Cyberspace that, on the one hand, is constituted as an accessible space for the education, creativity, developing and interconnectivity of all and all and, on the other hand, that this virtual space is a place where privacy and personal data of netizens are protected.

At the current juncture, due to the lockdown that we still endure in many countries, activities had to adapt quickly to the Digital environment. In that sense, the Report “Prevent a generation lost to covid-19”, prepared by the UNICEF, noted that, at the peak of the closing of the schools, 9 out of 10 countries had adopted some form of education a distance the one they had access almost 70% of students. Also noting that, about 30% of the students did not count with access to the technology necessary to access the education a distance from home, which is why countries were urged to adopt measurements urgent for reduce the gap digital and thereby guarantee the access to education.

Currently, 28 countries, among which is Mexico, continue with the closing total of schools. Unesco estimates that, more than a year after the beginning of this crisis sanitary, more than 800 million students, continue to face important interruptions in its education, from the closing partial of their schools, reduced academic hours, and almost 13% were left without access to courses due to gap in online learning.

In addition to this context, it is important to consider that the migration of the daily activities of the students al Digital environment It also increased exposure to online risks, such as cyberbullying and exploitation, age-inappropriate content, exposure to false information and other violations and criminal conduct that could damage your honor, reputation, or could put your rights at risk. , your identity and your security.

In this context, the Unicef in collaboration with Unesco, the World Health Organization and other international organizations for the protection of children and the promotion of education, launched a series of recommendations for governments, educational authorities and families, aimed at taking measurements that mitigate potential risks and ensure the safe use of technologies for students. In the first place, the recognition of girls and boys as agents of change was urged, in order to empower them and involve them in the formulation of policies to ensure their safe navigation. According to this technical note, as authorities we must promote the updating of protection and security policies digital that reflect the new realities of learning and socialization distance. Likewise, parents were urged to be attentive to the content, contacts and interactions that girls and boys have online. Having rules to limit connection times, as well as the use of privacy tools and parental controls can mitigate risks.

All and we can all contribute to have a Cyberspace safer. Because the Internet and information technologies are essential for our daily life, guaranteeing the access safe a Internet Y reduce the gap digital it is essential and necessary for the development e inclusion from all the persons. At INAI we are committed to guaranteeing the right to personal data protection as a key prerogative in the Era Digital. If you have questions or to receive personalized guidance on the safe use Y responsible of the Internet Come to the @INAImexico Service Center for Society or call us at TEL INAI at 800 835 4324.

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