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A Russian site mixed fakes with Simeon II and 22 tons of gold

This is “fake news” defined the entire publication by Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s office

False news spread by a Russian publication linked the name of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to 22 tons of gold and 50 tons of silver that left for Russia more than half a century ago. The publication cites a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that Bulgaria has the right to claim gold and asks a Russian expert if this is possible.

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s press service denied the news and said that the case of Simeon II in Strasbourg was about the moratorium on property in Bulgaria and that it was not about any gold at all.

What gold does Bulgaria want from Russia?

Under the title “What gold does Bulgaria want from Russia? The Russian site “Arguments and facts” cites a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) of September. According to the media’s interpretation, the Strasbourg court ruled that Bulgaria has the right to demand 22 tons of gold and 50 tons of silver from Moscow.

“The court ruled that Moscow must return the former Bulgarian assets purchased by the USSR at the expense of the foreign debt of the former Bulgarian Tsar Simeon II, who filed a lawsuit,” the Russian media wrote, explaining the case as follows:

“Prez 1960 Darzhavnata banka na na CCCR udovletvoryava ickaneto Balgarckata narodna banka and pogacyava zapadnite zaemi na tazi ctrana, kato kupuva zlato and crebro. The blades ca platili charter them konvertiruema valuta for guidance pazarniya kurc. Prez 90 such rises Year Award minaliya na vek balgarite otmenyat reshenieto charter prodazhba na na zlatnite rezervi Cavetckiya cayuz, a ECHR razporezhda balgarckoto pravitelctvo ea prieme zakon charter rectitutsiya na tsarckoto imushtectvo, cpored koyto blagorodnite Metal to ea or fruit used badat varnati na former monarh, koyto mezhdu drugoto e grazhdanin na CASHT. “

The article also cites the opinion of a Russian expert on this “case”.

“Cdelkata mezhdu Balgariya and CCCR is caotvetctvie c mezhdunarodnoto pravo” kazva Valeri Abramov, glaven izcledovatel in Inctituta charter izcledvane mezhdunarodnite ikonomichecki na na otnosheniya Financoviya univercitet in pravitelctvoto na Ruckata federatsiya.

“NO Has nashata ctrana konfickuva zlatoto and crebroto from the tsarya, a Balgariya, and she them predava na CCCR DO NOT procto taka, a poluchavayki ctoynoctta their chuzhdectranna valuta. Ickat na former tsar e legitimen camo for guidance otnoshenie na cobctvenoctta, koyato ce namira na teritoriyata na Balgariya, no DO NOT and Ruciya. Ocven tova ECHR nyama pravo ea razglezhda takiva cporove, tova DO NOT e ikonomichecki arbitrazh. and nakraya, Ruckata federatsiya ima prioritet na natsionalnoto zakonodatelctvo pred mezhdunarodnoto. Taka flashover Balgariya nyama ea poluchi zlato from the nac, “explains Abramov in front of “Arguments and Facts”.

This is fake news

The whole publication was described as “fake news” by people close to the king.

Through the office of Simeon II, lawyer Mikhail Ekimdzhiev, who represents the king and his sister Maria Louisa in Strasbourg, explained to “24 Chasa” that this was a moratorium imposed in 2009 by the National Assembly on the royal estates, which forbade him to orders and exploits them.

“It mainly affected the forests in Rila. The European Court of Human Rights acknowledged that the state had violated his right to property and a fair trial, and gave 6 months to the government and the king to find out what compensation he would receive for material Saxe-Coburg-Gotha himself does not claim moral damages, “Ekimdzhiev said.

The case that His Majesty has filed in Strasbourg is about his property in Bulgaria and it is not about gold, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s press secretary Yavor Kirilov was categorical to Monitor.

“The king’s case is about the moratorium on property, gold is not mentioned in this. This is either a deliberate, malicious article written in the Russian media to compromise Bulgaria, or some absolute fake. Several things are involved, but is it intentional? or due to incompetence, I can’t say. There is confusion. There is confusion. Gold was exported from Bulgaria during communism, but it is state gold. If there is anything separate from their personal belongings … The royal archive is exported, the personal archive. It is about it. State gold is “Separately, the king did not sue him. The Strasbourg case is for the moratorium imposed on the disposal of property. But there is no gold in this case,” Kirilov explained.

In early September, the EP called on Russia to give access to the so-called trophy archives exported from Eastern European countries at the end of World War II.

“These archives there are our archives – of the royal chancellery, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the Bulgarian governments seized from the Bulgarian state, they are there and are not categorized, they do not have a bibliographic inventory. We do not know what exactly is there because there is no bibliography. “This is not just about Bulgaria, but about all the artifacts and archives – intellectual property that have been seized from Central and Eastern Europe and are in Moscow, as well as the Baltic states. We must have access to this national value of ours.” said then MEP Andrei Kovachev.

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