Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Russian doctor, Diana Ginvarskaya, a sexologist, revealed that the decrease in sexual desire in men and women is caused by various factors.
In an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, the specialist indicated that the main reason for the decrease in sexual desire is the low energy potential.
Poor metabolism
She added that this condition can appear as a result of poor metabolism in cells and slow production of energy from glucose and fats. This occurs as a result of a lack of trace elements in the body (a biochemical factor) and a decrease in hormonal activity, and this is linked to a lack of micro and macro nutrients and the state of the nervous system, according to Russia Today.
She said, “In addition, sexual desire can decrease against the background of psychological problems. If a person loses interest in life and resents himself and society, sexual desire disappears. Without addressing internal problems, a person cannot move forward and express himself.”
And she continued, sexual desire is also linked to the relationship between the two partners. For example, a woman loses sexual desire when she does not feel confident and secure in the relationship.
And she continued: “This problem appears in men when he does not feel his partner’s interest in him. Because if the woman’s behavior does not stimulate her partner, he loses confidence in himself, and thus his sexual desire decreases.”
The expert drew attention to the fact that a man may feel insecure with a certain woman, but with others he does not feel that way. But in fact, if a man has internally lost confidence in himself, he will not be able to have sexual relations with any woman.
She says, “A man’s sexual desire is linked to his psychological state and the extent of his partner’s interest and evaluation of him.”