(ANSA) – ROME, APRIL 17 – Over 650 students from primary and secondary schools in Rome were the first beneficiaries of the Road Education Plan, presented today at the Aci Driving Center in Vallelunga, by the Ministry of Education and Merit together with the ‘Automobile Club of Italy, in collaboration with the State Police. The event was attended by the minister Giuseppe Valditara, the president of the ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, and the Central Director of Specialties of the State Police Prefect Renato Cortese. The Plan proposes a continuous educational path, from primary school to lower and upper secondary school, with educational workshops to raise children’s awareness of the causes of accidents and the importance of protecting vulnerable road users. The educational activities pioneered in Vallelunga will be replicated by schools in civic education teaching programs, with particular attention to safeguarding the universal right to mobility for all. “Road accidents are the first cause of death among young people – underlines the President of Aci, Angelo Sticchi Damiani – and constitute a social and economic plague that can only be defeated through training and education of the entire population, not only for drivers. The agreement with the Mim, for which we thank the foresight of Minister Valditara, is a strategic cornerstone of the educational activity that Aci has always carried out in schools, completing the training of drivers before and after obtaining the qualification. of the licence”. “The children are the protagonists of this initiative which is in line with the awareness campaigns on the topic of road safety, implemented by the Department of Public Safety through the Traffic Police – highlights the Prefect Renato Cortese – The Traffic Police has undertaken since years, a series of initiatives to deal with the phenomenon of accidents, with awareness and education campaigns on legality which especially involve young people – an alarm bell given by the data on accidents – intervening on several fronts and above all in schools, which to date have reached approximately 200,000 students. The reduction of road accidents requires targeted, transversal and converging prevention strategies in a synergistic action that involves all the actors involved in the consolidation of a culture of road safety”. (HANDLE).
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– 2024-04-19 10:44:46