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a rifle and a dagger in an abandoned baggage at Part-Dieu

It is a surprising discovery, even worrying. While the deminers were called, as often, for a resolution of doubt at Part-Dieu station , in Lyon 3e , after the discovery of an abandoned baggage, they got their hands on a real small arsenal. The forgotten suitcase did not contain clothes or a toilet bag, like most travelers’ packages … but two guns and a knife.

Sawn-off shotgun

The case dates back to November 24, in the middle of the afternoon. The soldiers of the Sentinel force quickly set up a security perimeter around the suspect package, the time of demining operations. Like most of the time, the fear of an attack is quickly dismissed. No explosives are present in the container.

But luggage holds many surprises. Inside, the professionals spot a sawed-off shotgun, an alarm pistol, a dagger and a tear gas canister. There is no ammunition and the weapons are not loaded.

If the alarm pistol cannot fire live ammunition, sawing off a shotgun can make it easier to conceal and make the weapon more powerful. It is this kind of model that was used, Saturday October 31, in Lyon 7e , by a jealous husband who had seriously injured an Orthodox priest , near his church.

An investigation is underway at the departmental security, to find the owner of this abandoned baggage and to shed light on its contents, after initial investigations carried out by the Lyon 3 police station.e -6e.

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