Home » today » News » A rich woman. In the car of six foreigners, the driver was speeding through the built-up area. Seats for seven

A rich woman. In the car of six foreigners, the driver was speeding through the built-up area. Seats for seven

The policemen talk about the “exceptional irresponsibility” of the 20-year-old who was driving over 100 kilometers per hour in built-up areas. The driver lost his driving license. In addition, he and his too many passengers were fined.

As Jarosław Sawicki, spokesman for the police in Piaseczno, described, the policemen of the local road in the town of Bogatki (between Prażmów and Piaseczno) noticed a Ford “whose driver apparently disregarded the law and difficult weather conditions”.

The driver was fined three tickets in the amount of PLN 1,200

A police car followed the departing Ford. The speed measurement showed that the car was traveling at a speed of 112 kilometers per hour in the built-up area. After his arrest, the police found that the 20-year-old driver was putting not only himself but also his numerous passengers at risk, as it turned out that a total of seven people were traveling in the focus. The young driver lost his driving license, and additionally received three penalty tickets – said a spokesman for the police in Piaseczno.

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The driver exceeded speed in built-up areas KPP in Piaseczno

And he specified that the fines were issued for: exceeding the speed limit, lack of the required passport and exceeding the permissible number of people in the vehicle. – It’s a total of PLN 1,200. Six passengers were also fined 500 zlotys, because according to article 288 of the Act on foreigners, every foreigner staying in Poland is obliged to have a passport or travel document authorizing him to stay in our territory – summed up the policeman.

All the punished, three women and four men, were citizens of Ukraine, aged 18 to 40.

photo-source">Main photo source: KPP in Piaseczno

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