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“A resurgence of account settlements”

The Thionville court held its solemn back-to-school hearing with the authorities, with the elected officials. The opportunity to take stock of its civil, commercial and criminal activity in 2022. Above all, it is an opportunity to recall that the context is particularly tense.


Yesterday at 8:00 p.m.

This hearing does not include either defendants or civil parties. The floor is with the president of the judicial court of Thionville, Ombline Parry, and the public prosecutor, Brice Partouche. The latter did not mince his words to evoke the lack of manpower, to tackle the announcements of the Chancellery, to signify the hardening of organized delinquency in the face of a chosen public, made up of representatives of the police, civil servants , lawyers, politicians.


The number of collective proceedings (recovery and liquidation) handled by the commercial chamber of Thionville explodes by 134% in 2022, compared to 2021. “We must not misinterpret this data”, tempers the president of the court. “It is not indicative of an increased number of companies in difficulty but of a return to the pre-Covid situation. »

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The solemn audience was held before the civil, judicial and political authorities. Photo RL /Armand FLOHR


This is the number of new cases arriving in 2022 at the offices of the civil chamber of the Thionville court, i.e. an increase of 26.3% compared to 2021. A volume that reveals the dynamism of the district, both in terms of demographics economic, according to the president. “Construction law cases occupy a large part of civil hearings,” she explains.

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This is the number of procedures handled by the prosecution following facts reported to the police, the gendarmerie, customs. This is 10% more than in 2021. And it is far from being a source of pride for the prosecutor. Because the prosecution also requires in a thousand cases, mentioned each year before the criminal court. “The reality is that we can hardly devote more than a few minutes to the analysis of a case which sometimes conceals the stake of a life”, describes the prosecutor. ” […] It is therefore by a totally degraded mode that we provide a penal response in a context where priorities and expectations are changing, but never decreasing. »

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The hiring of 1,500 magistrates and as many clerks announced by the Chancellery does not appease. The prosecutor did the math: this represents the creation of two magistrate posts throughout the Thionvilloise jurisdiction. Not enough, he says. Especially since a quarter of the positions will be vacant in the coming months. The situation is no better on the clerk side.

“This situation forces us to make choices and define priorities in the handling of cases”, adds the president of the court. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of certain hearings and agree to further extend processing times.


During his requisitions, the Thionville prosecutor noted the upsurge in settling scores in the jurisdiction. In 2022, the Jirs (specialized interregional jurisdiction) of Nancy agreed to take up two investigations concerning this type of facts in the arrondissement of Thionville, “which can be seen as a welcome reinforcement or as a sign of delinquency organized which hardens”, supports the prosecutor. And this requires considerable investigative resources “to elucidate kidnappings or shootings with firearms, without the victims collaborating”. The magistrate refers to the shortcomings also felt in the police and the gendarmerie. The message got through. “This is a 2023 full of challenges! »

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