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A reliable horoscope from astrologer Pavel Globa for September 2020 for each zodiac sign

Uncertainty and complexes should not be allowed to appear

Pavel Globa is one of the most popular astrologers at the moment in Russia and the CIS. His forecasts are always meaningful and extremely objective. In September, expert advice will be especially important, because this is a very difficult time.

The first month of autumn is coming. Of course, summer has come to an end, but this does not mean that everything should stop. On the contrary, life goes on. Therefore, you need to follow the advice of experts on how to avoid the autumn depression according to the Zodiac Sign. Uncertainty and complexes should not be allowed to appear.


Aries at the beginning of autumn simply will not have the opportunity for sadness and apathy, self-reflection and regret. This is a time of great changes, as well as the emergence of new worries and desires. Time to suffer and feel sorry for yourself may simply not stay. This is very good, because Aries will be able to feel: life goes on, and autumn is just a new round of it.

The astrologer advises Aries to start September by cleaning the house. There are at least three reasons for this. It is also important, because positive energy circulates better in a clean house, and all negativity is removed faster. As a result – more strength, less ailments and diseases, better protection from toxic people and energy in general.


September will be a busy time for Taurus. They may have a new hobby, love, work, friends. The Universe will give the representatives of this Sign a lot of luck and will charge them with energy. It is very important not just to move in front, but not to tell anyone about your plans. There are many answers to the question of why this should not be done.

Love and work will be interconnected with the financial sphere. You can intertwine things and not be afraid to flirt with people at work or do financial matters with your significant other. It is advisable to remember that in September there may be sudden insights that are better to remember or write down. They will lead Taurus to happiness.


The first decade of September will be a favorable time for Gemini. Stars and planets will be in a harmonious position. This means that you need to forget about the past and think about tomorrow. You can even use fortune-telling to find out the fate and have time to make the necessary adjustments to it.

The second decade of September is unpredictable and dynamic. This is a time of chaos and confusion. Most of the success will directly depend only on the Gemini themselves. From September 21, the stars will again become harmonious, so most representatives of the Sign will be able to end the month on a positive note. We must not be afraid to act and go forward.


Cancers are among the most cunning signs of the zodiac. Their extraordinary mind and high intelligence helps them to bend many people around the finger and achieve their goals faster. However, in September you need to put this skill aside, because it can lead to the loss of friends and the location of colleagues at work.

From the beginning of the twenties of the month, the stars will become more creative, so at the end of September you can again act according to the usual scheme. In September, Cancers will be helped by the ability to admit mistakes and find compromises in disputes. Continuing to stand your ground will not help the cause. You need to remember about the feelings of others.


The beginning of September will bring a little melancholy to lions, but it will be possible to cope with it quickly with the help of physical exercises, walks and password words. You need to spend less time with negative people. From around September 9, the situation will start to change for the better.

The middle and end of September will be a very favorable time for Lviv. It will be possible to engage in any business – from spiritual practices and searches to hard work. The only thing that you definitely should not do is ignore the appearance of troubles. Any newly minted problems need to be solved right here and now, without putting them in a distant box.


Dev is expected to take off in September. It will be a very emotional, bright and memorable time, especially the first half of the month. Towards the beginning of the third decade, the creative energy of the stars will begin to slowly decline, but September will still be the most favorable month of autumn. You need to use all your capabilities to achieve your goals.

The only thing to be careful with is shopping. When shopping, Virgos need to use a special conspiracy so as not to waste money. Due to the increased emotional background, there is a possibility of making an unplanned purchase, which you can regret in the future. Better to think twice before taking action.


September will be the perfect time for flirting, romance, dating and taking existing relationships to the next level. You can confess your love, meet the parents and friends of your second half, move in, sign and so on. You need to show your loved one in an accessible way that a relationship with him is not just a passing hobby.

It is also necessary to make the energy of the house positive. To do this, at the beginning of the month, it is worth arranging a cleaning and conducting an audit, throwing out all old and unnecessary things. September is the perfect time for redecorating, rearranging furniture, creating more comfort. At home, it is helpful to meet friends and do work.


The first week of September, or even around ten days, can be challenging for Scorpios because the stars will rob them of some of their energy. This will be a challenging time to make important decisions. Conflicts, communication problems are expected. Three useful exercises for every day will help Scorpios become more active and energetic in the first decade of September and in general at the beginning of autumn.

From mid-September, the situation will sharply change to the opposite. The life of Scorpios will begin to change for the better. This will be seen in business and affairs, it will become easier to be included in the workflow. Motivation will also appear in the love sphere, which is very good news for lonely representatives of the Sign.


Sagittarius will have to go through a series of trials in September. For example, they may meet unpleasant people along the way. To protect themselves from their influence, Sagittarius will need to communicate with them correctly. You can’t open up to everyone, talk about feelings and emotions. Also, you cannot tell your plans and open ambitions, dreams.

Sagittarius should be extremely careful at the beginning of autumn. Each step must be deliberate and balanced. Otherwise, you can only make yourself new problems. Stars and planets will again begin to favorably influence Sagittarius only by September 20-21. The end of the month can be devoted to rest, communication and new acquaintances.


The stars and planets will constantly change their energy and their mood, so Capricorns are expected to have an unpredictable time in which it is better not to take risks. The night stars will affect the sixth sense of Capricorns, significantly weakening it. Special talismans will help these people to restore powerful intuition.

In September, Capricorns should do calm and monotonous work, chores. Towards the end of the month, you can go on business trips or personal trips. This is a good period for car repairs, equipment, electronics. Repair, rearrangement of furniture, general cleaning will also have a very good effect on the energy of Capricorns.


For Aquarius, work will become the most important area of ​​life in September. If you want to succeed, there are five important rules to follow for raising money. It will also be important to believe in yourself and not rely on others too often. This is the very time when Aquarius should be extremely collected and independent in everything.

In love affairs, representatives of this Sign will be lucky, but the stars and planets themselves want to direct these people along the right path. You need to relax and just watch what is happening. If nothing happens, then the Universe is satisfied with the current state of affairs.


The first decade of September will be a very good time for Pisces. The stars want them to communicate only with the kindest Zodiac signs. It is better to avoid quarrels and conflicts, otherwise you can seriously damage your reputation. The second decade will be a time of rest and a change of scenery. From 10 to 21 September you can take a vacation.

From the 22nd to the end of the month of Pisces, a very favorable time awaits. The stars will help them find motivation, strengthen the already powerful intuition of Pisces, and also help find a way out of difficult situations. This will be the perfect time to shop, renew your wardrobe, open a bank account, apply for loans and mortgages.

If you have an ambitious goal in September, try using a wish fulfillment ritual. It will help you reach your goal faster while conserving more energy. Pavel Globa wishes you a successful start to autumn and victories on all fronts.

Source: dailyhoro.ru

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