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a real danger for the fetus

First of all, tobacco has an impact on fertility. The nitrogen monoxide (NO), nicotine and carbon dioxide produced by cigarettes cause hypoxia, that is, poor oxygenation of the tissues. This can interfere with the proper functioning of the various organs, such as the ovaries, uterine tubes or even the uterus, involved in conception. The toxic substances contained in cigarettes can cause endocrine disruption which is potentially harmful to fertility.

A disturbed pregnancy

With each puff of a cigarette, it’s more than 4000 toxic substances that are inhaled. A real danger for the baby in training. Smoking increases the risk of early miscarriage. This risk varies according to the quantity of cigarettes smoked. In addition, tobacco can cause a low risk of implantation of the placenta which can cause bleeding. The risk of rupture of membranes before 34 weeks is also higher.

The consequences on the fetus

Smoking in pregnant women, whether active or passive, impairs the development of the fetus, in particular because of poorer oxygenation. When the mother smokes, the blood becomes loaded with carbon monoxide at the expense of oxygen. In addition, nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect on the arteries of the placenta and the umbilical artery. The circulation of oxygen between the baby and the mother is less efficient.

The substances in cigarettes also slow down the development of the fetus. Thus, smoking is the number one preventable cause of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). On average, for every 10 cigarettes smoked per day, it is estimated that the baby’s weight will decrease by 200 g compared to a future mother who does not smoke. Again, the impact on the baby’s development will depend on the number of cigarettes smoked.

Tobacco can also cause fetal malformations and premature deliveries.

An increased risk of sudden death

After a baby is born, nicotine can pass through breast milk. Tobacco changes its taste, its composition and reduces its production. Smoking is at the origin of a risk of sudden death doubled. A child exposed to tobacco is more likely to develop respiratory infections but also to be overweight in adolescence.

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