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a rally scheduled for Tuesday in front of the hospital

Manosque emergencies have closed for a total of 46 nights since the start of the year.

“That’s enough!”. In response to the national appeal of the trade unions, a rally is planned for this Tuesday from 10 a.m. in front of Manosque hospital to protest against the closure of the emergency room.

This Monday evening, for the third consecutive night, the service closes its doors from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. In total, since the start of the year, they have recorded 46 nights of closure in total. A situation which is far from being isolated in France and which many organizations denounce.

“We demand the means for the reopening of emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and free access to the hospital for the entire population”, writes the CGT Health and Social Action, at the initiative of the national day of mobilization, in a press release.

The organization deplores “an unprecedented deterioration in working conditions and a dramatic reduction in access to care in hospitals” in the health, social and medico-social sector.

120 emergency services concerned

Guest of BFM DICI on Monday, the regional coordinator of the CGT Health and Social Action Cédric Volait denounced an epidemic of closure of emergencies on the territory.

“At the start of the year, we were at 70 emergency services totally or partially closed, and now we are at around 120 services concerned”, he lists.

According to him, “there is a kind of insecurity that is taking place, and this is not very reassuring for the population”, especially as the summer season approaches.

Several claims

Despite the promise of a doctor next September in Manosque, Cédric Volait calls for “strong measures to get through the summer”. The recruitment of 100,000 people is among their many demands. According to the regional coordinator of the CGT Health and Social Action, it is also necessary to “regularize the situation of doctors” who are able to work.

“We have foreign doctors who have to go to committee and it has not yet taken place. If they are not regularized, they will be forced to return to their country. We have around 20,000 staff suspended when we need of them,” he continues.

He also says that doctors’ careers, their salaries and working at night should also be valued.

As a reminder, Manosque emergencies have other closing nights scheduled for this Friday and Saturday, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. In case of problems, it is recommended to go to the emergencies of Digne-les-Bains, Sisteron and Aix-en-Provence or to dial 15.

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