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“A Rainy Day In New York”: This film doesn’t quite make it dry

“I need a drink, a cigarette and a piano ballad,” says Gatsby Welles in Woody Allen’s “A Rainy Day In New York”.

The student, Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet, is certain that “his” Ashleigh (Elle Fanning) has just swapped him for a movie star. The romantic with a penchant for the semi-silky nightlife had dreamed of the days when he wanted to show the young reporter his hometown differently – like a stroll through the “intellectual navel” of the USA.

But life and love depend, as Oscar winner Allen (83) extensively outlined in his 54 previous films, on people and their metropolises. In essence, they are similarly exciting, full of energy, attractive, but ultimately unpredictable.

Like a little Gatsby

Anyone who loves Allen’s films will enjoy “A Rainy Day In New York”. How the city and its tempting possibilities separate the couple is “typically Woody”. The dialogues are pointed, funny, meaningful and seem to never end. Every character is colorful – never just good or bad, rational or crazy, romantic or naive. Behind the facades, hotels, apartments, piano bars and mansions of the money aristocracy await you with plush or cold design.

The latter in particular become the arena where everyone is most severely judged against the nation. His Gatsby, offspring of the upper class, despises his nouveau riche origins. Here is the first name of the boyish flaneurs program, which Chalamet adroitly lets oscillate between dreamy idealism and serene cynicism. It was designed by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his cult novel from 1925, in which the great Jay Gatsby infiltrates New York, which is doped by greed and money, with high criminal energy. Allen’s “little Gatsby” hired a prostitute for his mother’s fall gala.

If the star director had gained more from this constellation, this film would probably be better than his own average. Instead, you see Fanning brilliantly interpreting the constantly grinning pupa Ashleigh, while in an interview with the director (Liev Schreiber), producer (Jude Law) and, most recently, a star actor (Diego Luna) it is regarded as amorous “fair game”. Gatsby, on the other hand, succumbs to the charm of his former teenage acquaintance Chan, who succinctly gives Selena Gomez a mouth that is as sharp as the mind of her character.

The ensemble is getting bigger and bigger, which is why everyone threw it as much when staging as it was when producing the film. It was created during #MeToo in 2018, when Allen was again accused of abuse.

“A Rainy Day In New York”: USA 2019, 92 Min.,

OÖN rating:

The trailer for the film:

Article by

Nora Bruckmüller

Culture editor



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