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A Quebecker in Texas recounts her experience

Marie Ross, a Quebecer living in Austin, Texas compared the last week in Texas to the ice storm that rocked Quebec in January 1998.

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“We finally see the light at the end of the tunnel,” she explained.

Since Monday, Marie Ross explains that she and her family have been deprived of heating between Monday and Thursday evening. She was, however, one of the lucky ones who still had electricity. She also used her oven to heat herself. The woman also explained to have contained the living spaces in the last days to the bedroom and the living room to keep the heat.

In the past week, temperatures in Austin have dropped as low as -14 and -15 degrees Celsius, but Marie and her family have been able to keep temperatures in living spaces between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius.

Marie Ross, who has a five-month-old baby, said her neighbors came to her aid by lending her small portable heaters to beat the vicious cold.

The Québécoise felt on the alert all week. Quickly, she and her family made an emergency plan if they ever had to evacuate the house. Family members, who live about 40 minutes from Marie’s house, were ready to welcome them, in the worst-case scenario. However, the slippery and dangerous roads made this plan the last resort.

Speaking of her neighbors, Marie Ross said they were definitely not ready. Without winter tires and large cars that were difficult to maneuver, many still felt invincible on the roads, which may explain the many accidents.

However, she wished to underline the mutual aid and generosity of the community. Despite his recent arrival in his neighborhood, and with the sanitary situation that prevented him from meeting his neighbors, they did not hesitate to come to check on him and bring him food, such as diapers for his baby. .

Marie Ross believes that, as during the ice storm in Quebec, the installations will take several times to be repaired. She hopes everything will get back to normal as quickly as possible, but believes the effects of this crisis will be felt for some time to come.

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