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A quarter of Czechs have no reserve when it comes to income

More than a third of Czechs (35%) have a financial reserve for four or more months in case of loss of regular income. One-fifth of people (20%) would last at least seven months. This was shown by a survey by NMS Market Research for Raiffeisenbank from March this year, which the bank published today.

A quarter of people (25%) have a reserve for two to three months, another fifteen percent for a single month. The remaining quarter (25%) do not financial reserve not even for one month. A survey from last April brought similar results. The share of people who have a reserve for at least four months rose by two percentage points year on year.

Men, people with a university degree and households with a monthly income of over 40,000 crowns are better prepared for a crisis situation. The following graph shows more detailed numbers.

zdroj: Raiffeisenbank, NMS Market Research

More than a third of Czechs (35%) in the survey said that their regular rate has decreased since September 2020 monthly income. “The numbers are very similar across regions,” says Petra Kopecká, Raiffeisenbank’s spokeswoman. Last April, 37% of people reported a reduction in income.

Job losses due to long-term lockdowns and the effects of a pandemic are currently not feared by 70% of Czechs, while a year ago it was 78%. Nine percent of people due to a pandemic already he lost his job.

zdroj: Raiffeisenbank, NMS Market Research

A representative sample of 1024 respondents aged 18 to 65 participated in the survey, according to the agency.

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Petr Kučera

Author of the article Petr Kučera

Editor-in-Chief of the Pívání.cz website. It focuses on a wide area of ​​personal finance and consumer issues. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, but he likes the media even more than paragraphs. He led the Czech … Other articles by the author.

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