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A psychologist analyzes personality types based on the music each person listens to

The music It is a great mood regulator, as it soothes our emotions when we listen to it. There are different musical styles and we usually have a preference for one or another, although we also like variety.

People who are very loyal to a particular musical style are usually people who are among the 14 and 26 years old Because it is a time in life when we seek to identify with what surrounds us in order to form our personality.

Tell me what music you listen to and I’ll tell you what personality you have

There are different studies who have sought to find out the type of personality that people have according to their musical preferences. Below are some of the characteristics found, although obviously it can differ greatly from one person to another and you may not identify with these traits:

  • Rock y Heavy Metal: People who have a preference for these styles of music have low self-esteem, are creative, not very hard-working, introverted, kind and sophisticated. For example: Metallica or Nirvana.
  • Pop:People who like pop music are usually more extroverted, honest, conventional, hard-working, have high self-esteem, are not very creative, polite and active. For example: Lady Gaga or Britney Spears.
  • Classical music: People who love classical music are people with high self-esteem, introverted, creative, tolerant and open-minded. For example: Beethoven or Mozart.
  • Blues, jazz, soul: They have high self-esteem, are creative, kind and outgoing. They are also intelligent, self-confident, sociable, empathetic, tolerant, open-minded, active and have an above-average IQ. For example: BB King or Eric Clapton.
  • Rap and hip hop: People who like this style of music have high self-esteem, are extroverted, independent and not very hard-working. For example: Natos & Waor or Fernando Costa.
  • Country: They are hard-working and extroverted, emotionally stable, conservative and not very open to experience. For example: Dolly Parton or Willie Nelson.
  • Reggae: They tend to be hard workers, creative, kind, extroverted and with high self-esteem. For example: Bob Marley.
  • Dance: They are creative and outgoing, but not too friendly and assertive. For example: electronic music like Avicii.
  • Indie: They have low self-esteem, are creative, unkind and hard-working, introverted, intellectual and with a tendency towards passivity and anxiety. For example: Vetusta Morla.

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Can a type of music really be associated with a personality?

Music styles that are sometimes associated with a specific image can be deceptive. For example: people who like rock music appear tough or even aggressive when dressed in black or with spikes, however, they are very friendly and tend to be introspective. The same happens with classical music, since those who love this type of music tend to appear socially more cultured or intelligent, however, in the results of the collected studies, those who have more intelligence quotient They are the ones who prefer blues, jazz or soul music.

On the other hand, it would be very interesting to carry out an updated study with the music most listened to by young people, such as reggaeton, or to include Latin music such as salsa. Although taking into account the musical characteristics of these genresmost likely can be included in the pop category.

Finally, it is also interesting to keep in mind that other people’s preferred music style can enrich us greatly. That is, spending time with people who have different musical tastes can enhance our open-mindedness.

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