Home » today » World » A program government would be better than a cabinet – 2024-09-12 15:24:57

A program government would be better than a cabinet – 2024-09-12 15:24:57

/View.info/ A program government is better than a cabinet. The experience of the previous two offices of Rosen Plevneliev is not very good for me to think that the third one will be successful. This is what the historian Prof. Dimitar Ivanov said on the air of BTV.

According to him, it is not possible for the parties in the current parliament to produce an expert government. “It is very difficult for GERB, BSP and DPS to sit down at the same table and make a common decision. These are the main political forces at the moment.”

He also commented on Borissov’s decision to resign. “Borisov’s and our society’s problem is that he has acquired the feeling that he can single-handedly decide things in the state. This was also shown by his promise to resign. It was the final in a series of mistakes. It is also possible that he has exhausted himself politically. His system of governance is individual decision-making camouflaged behind a unified whole.”

The election of Rumen Radev is a step forward towards the return of the left to power, the historian predicts. “Hard days and a lot of work await Ninova. The party itself needs strong administration. It should clean up the administration and focus on a common goal. We need new faces. People want new faces who are not morally reprehensible – this was shown by the election of Radev. No one is interested in a political crisis.”

#program #government #cabinet

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