Home » today » Entertainment » A professional pet sitter, she created a day centre for dogs on the outskirts of Narbonne

A professional pet sitter, she created a day centre for dogs on the outskirts of Narbonne

On the outskirts of town towards Armissan, Graziella Auret, 43, has opened a leisure centre reserved for dogs on a 1,200 m2 plot of land. Games, activities and cuddles are provided without moderation!

Slaloms, ball or frisbee games, cool sessions in the pool: dogs have a new place entirely dedicated to entertainment. Graziella Auret, 43, had the good idea of ​​opening “Anima team and time”, a secure nature space at the foot of La Clape, where dogs can have fun with each other. “This concept already exists in large cities and is gradually developing. Because there are many pets and the needs are enormous,” she explains.

Lots of fun and stimulating activities

In the morning and evening in summer, or in the afternoon in winter, all dogs are welcome at the “dog center”. “Vaccinations must be up to date and animals must be treated for ticks, fleas and kennel cough,” warns the manager. The 2 to 3 hour play sessions always begin with a moment of socialization between dogs. To do this, “I am surrounded by a professional behaviorist specializing in aggressive dogs. I also work with partners such as veterinarians and dog kennels.” Groups can also be formed based on affinities between dogs, or based on their size. “You don’t mix Rottweilers with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels!” Graziella emphasizes.

Various games are available for dogs in a secure area of ​​1200 m2. Independent – PHILIPPE LEBLANC

I distribute hugs and rewards, I manage emotions and conflicts

This one takes care of the entertainment by leading the little pack in sports courses or wild ball games. “I also give out hugs and rewards. I manage emotions and conflicts. When dogs get stressed, you have to know how to make them calm down, a bit like children playing!” Besides physical exercise and entertainment, playing together is particularly stimulating for animals. “A dog with a phobia of water will gradually learn to no longer be afraid when seeing his friends swimming, for example.”

The facilitator manages the games, conflicts, emotions and provides hugs.

The facilitator manages the games, conflicts, emotions and provides hugs. Independent – PHILIPPE LEBLANC

To enjoy the dog day centre, you need to pay €20 for 2 to 3 hours of fun (€100 for 6 sessions, or €200 for 13 sessions). “The first integration session is free and it is possible to open special sessions for 2 or 3 friends, we can tailor-make it.”

The story of a professional reconversion

The leisure center is therefore happiness for the dogs, and for Graziella Auret. This former beauty professional worked for a long time in beauty and well-being centers. “I had very long working days. When my mare was injured, I had to go and do her dressings very early in the morning or very late in the evening. I was crying from exhaustion and I had no one to do it for me. So I looked for a job to rebuild myself through contact with animals and nature.”

Graziella Auret.

Graziella Auret. Independent – PHILIPPE LEBLANC

Graziella then decided to train to create a new service. She obtained her “Certificate of Knowledge for Domestic Species Pets”, followed the training of veterinary assistant and completed her learning through books on canine and feline education, or on equine ethology for the well-being of horses.

The story of a successful professional reconversion for Graziella Auret.

The story of a successful career change for Graziella Auret. Independant – PHILIPPE LEBLANC

Having become a “pet sitter”, Graziella Auret also organizes daily rounds for owners who are overloaded with work or forced to be absent. “I can be there between noon and 2 p.m. to give medication or take the dog out… I also take care of cats and horses.”

A hairy reconversion, both for our four-legged friends and for pet owners.

The facilitator manages the games, conflicts, emotions and provides hugs.

The facilitator manages the games, conflicts, emotions and provides hugs. Independent – PHILIPPE LEBLANC

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