Being among the districts suffering from the unavailability of drinking water from Jirama, Ankatso I has a borehole to fill, if only in part, the lack of water at the origin of so many constraints for users.
Non-functional since April 2023 due to a breakdown, the drilling installed at Ankatso I has just been repaired, then handed over, yesterday, to the Regional Center for University Works in Antananarivo (CROUA) to be again made available to users. The repair work on this device was carried out by Jirama. Able to produce 5m³ of water per hour, or even more in the event of sufficient rainfall, this borehole facilitates access to water for Ankatso I users. Students are, certainly, among the first users to be able to obtain supplies from it, however it was highlighted yesterday, during the official handover ceremony of the drilling to the CROUA, that the inhabitants of Ankatso I around the university campus , can also benefit from the water produced by this device.
This will therefore alleviate, at least in part, the recurring problem faced by residents of this district in obtaining drinking water via the Jirama water distribution networks.
Because it must be recognized that the distribution of drinking water through the networks of the national water and electricity company Jirama remains problematic for many neighborhoods in Antananarivo, and is getting worse if we take into account users who express themselves on social networks. This is the case, for example, for the Ambohipo district where taps and standpipes have remained desperately dry for several months now. Users are forced to stock up as much as they can: water containers loaded with relatives or acquaintances who have running water; delivery of cans of water to homes for at least 500 ariary per can. Expenses linked to drinking water can then rise very quickly, to the extent that a household of 4 or 5 people needs at least 5 to 10 20 liter containers per day taking into account all needs: laundry, dishes, cooking, toilets, etc… The situation has already been the cause of several demonstrations by the inhabitants of Ambohipo, the latest of which was before Christmas. Obviously, the users in this neighborhood are also tired of going through the ordeal. It should be remembered that many other neighborhoods are facing the same situation.
“Per turn”
The latest news is that Jirama is forced, during the low water period and due to technical problems, to set up an alternating water distribution system, supplying certain areas of the Antananarivo network and depriving others. zones, and vice versa, according to a “ tour » established by those responsible.
Hanitra R.