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A problem in a unique village in the Rhodopes, loved by thousands of Bulgarians

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Residents of a unique Rhodope village, loved by thousands of Bulgarians, contacted the editors of Plovdiv24.bg. In addition, the signal was also sent to the mayor of the “Rodopi” municipality, the head of the RDNSK Plovdiv and the operator of the Plovdiv aqueduct. We publish it without editorial intervention:

About: Reporting of illegal construction on Maichina Griga St., Boykovo Village, Rodopi Municipality, Plovdiv Region:

Dear Madam and Gentlemen,

In our capacity as property owners in the village of Boykovo, municipality of “Rodopi”, we are seriously disturbed by the construction and installation work in progress on the “Mother’s Care” street, related to the excavation and laying of water pipes. there is no information sign posted anywhere in the territory (provisions pursuant to art. 12 and art. 13 of Ordinance no. 2 of 22.03.2004 on the minimum requirements for health and safety at work during construction and installation of MTSP and MRRD), we have reasonable doubts that illegal construction is being carried out.

In 2014-2015, as part of the Program for the Development of Rural Areas 2007-2013, a scheme for the granting of a financial contribution under Measure 321 “Basic services for the population and the economy in rural areas” of the Program for the Development of Rural Areas for the period 2007-2013 supported by the European Agricultural Fund for the development of rural areas, the reconstruction of the water supply network was carried out in the village of Boykovo. HD Ф90 and Ф110 on existing roads in the village regulation “operation with Permit of use No. СТ-05-988 / 03.07.2015, issued by DNSK.

Part of this construction is the PE-HD Ф90 road water supply system along Maichina Griga Street. As there is practically no permanent pavement (bituminous crushed stone laid in the 1980s in some sections) along this road, during the construction of the building described above, its restoration took place in an inverse embankment with the available excavation soil. Subsequently, due to a number of factors (poor waterproofing of the reverse embankment layers, soil characteristics, climatic characteristics and, last but not least, the lack of good drainage) the road level along the route of the water pipeline that passes on the side of the entrances to our properties have been lowered by up to 30 cm, which prevents access to the properties.

With this letter we address: Municipality “Rodopi” – owner of the building (municipal road) and responsible according to article 71 of the ZUT, RDNSK Plovdiv – control body, “ViK” EOOD – Plovdiv – manager of the supply network water system of the village of Boykovo, with the request to verify and receive feedback on the CMR we found:

– there are approved projects and a valid building permit for a second / duplication of the road aqueduct on the “Mother’s Care” street in the village of Boykovo, similar in diameter to those put into operation in 2015 under Measure 321 “Basic services for the population and economy in rural areas “of the Program for the Development of Rural Areas for the period 2007-2013?

– there is a legitimate start of construction pursuant to art. 157 (2) of the ZUT?

– are there notifications registered for a certified construction order in the Municipality of “Rodopi”, RDNSK Plovdiv, “ViK” EOOD – Plovdiv, according to the requirements of Article 158 (2) of the ZUT?

– a copy of the contents of the building information sheet was provided to the Plovdiv Regional Labor Inspectorate and the Plovdiv Regional Directorate of Labor Inspectorate, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (2) of Ordinance No. the minimum requirements for occupational health and safety conditions when carrying out construction and installation works of MTSP and MRRD?

The quality of the construction and assembly work performed / the qualification of the builders is impressive: in the section from the existing oil pipeline branch to the old 50 m3 reservoir along the “Majchena Grija” street, the pipes are not laid on the road, but in the unlined moat (soil profile) In some places it is dug about 50 cm from the ground level, the pipe is laid without a sandy foundation, it is filled and therefore not rammed.

This contradicts current regulations and is a direct prerequisite for freezing and bursting of the pipe. The unlined moat backfill removes the only option for drainage, which will further deteriorate the condition of the pavement and the only access to our properties will be blocked.

In support of the above, we attach photographic material and we expect a prompt response from the relevant institutions.

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