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A problem in a Plovdiv school. What do we feed our children?

Reader of Plovdiv24.bg reported a problem to the “Dimitar Dimov” school. Here is what he wrote to us:

“Hi. Today, a group of parents from Dimitar Dimov elementary school protested about the chair and the infrastructure of the yard. Are you ready to investigate why the old company cooking on site was pressured to relocate so that a company councilor could come to bring children plastic food at a high price. ”.

Plovdiv24.bg studied the case study and this is what it turned out to be:

Last year, the Plovdiv municipality announced a competition for school chairs and the “Food Delivery Express” company won it, said manager Petko Sekulov. No appeal was filed within the appeal deadline and, after notification of this company’s selection order, the kitchen renovation began. As there are few students at “Dimitar Dimov”, it was decided that the food would be cooked in the kitchen of the “Raina Knyaginya” elementary school, packaged in individual packages and delivered to the smaller school.

In “Raina Knyaginya” about 1000 children are being prepared. There is a full staff and a fully equipped kitchen. All students are offered a three course menu – 200 gram soup, 250 gram main, dessert and bread, for BGN 6, and a two course main only menu with bread and dessert for BGN 5.20. All products are standard BDS and “Stara Planina”. which cost 30-40% more than others.

“I’m not ashamed of what I did. The difference between us and the other operators is that they work in brutal conditions and we repair construction sites. Our policy is that in every district there is a mother kitchen in a large school, in the prepare food for the little one. Our packaging is from the company that supplies “Happy”, commented the owner of “Food Delivery Express” Georgi Tsankov.

Before entering the competition, the company did its own research on how many children eat at “Dimitar Dimov”. It turns out that only about 25-30 out of all 163 students use the school chair. However, they are currently around 75-80.

Tsankov believes that the genesis of the problem lies in the former tenant of the site. The headmistress of the school, Spaska Kojuharova, has the same suspicions.

“Our contract with the previous company” Ria 2000 “was up to the end of the year. The new procedure started in the summer. However, a few days before Christmas, the manager Mrs. Antonova threw me the keys telling me that she would leave. I could have claimed my rights, but I didn’t. Then, on the advice of our lawyer, I asked the new company if it could take over the feeding of the children. We had to sign two contracts with “Food Delivery Express” – one until the end of the tender procedure, so that the children did not run out of food, and the second – after and the company was announced by decision of the City Council as chosen “- said the director.

Kozuharova added that the parent who organized the protest told her that Ms. Antonova told him that the principal gave her two days to leave the chair, which is categorically untrue. You got the impression that no institution controlled the previous company, while the current one is constantly controlled by the BABH and the RZI.

The director added that there is a drastic difference in the quality of the two companies’ food and hygiene.

“Yes, it was cooked on site, snacks were prepared at the previous company. But the utensils were greasy, dirty, dirty. I didn’t try the food, I’m a disgusting person. The menu consisted of only one main dish and one slice . By regulation, once a week the children have to eat fish. Instead of fish, they gave fish sticks. The chicken nuggets were semi-finished. There was fruit for dessert only when I was in the chair. Behind my back, the fruit He disappeared. I don’t mind this woman, but when it comes to baby food, everything has to be in order, “Kozuharova said.

In announcing the procedure for a new tenant, the manager explicitly insisted that the menu be three courses, in order to have healthy food for the children. Now, to calm the situation, a cheaper lunch option will be offered with just one main dish.

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