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a prayer vigil a few days before the trial

While the civil trial of the Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray attack opens on Monday February 14, a mass followed by a prayer vigil with time of adoration is planned for this Friday in the Saint-Étienne church, where Father Jacques Hamel was assassinated.

Five and a half years after the tragedy and the suffering caused by such an act, the faithful of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) are preparing to see painful memories reappear, which time and prayer have appeased but which remain as an unhealed wound. While the civil trial of the assassination of Father Jacques Hamel opens Monday, February 14 before the special assize court of Paris, Father Jacques Simon, parish priest of the parishes of Saint-Étienne of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and Saint -Martin de Oissel, offers a time of prayer to the faithful to prepare for it.

Prayer Vigil and Adoration Time

A mass followed by a prayer vigil with time for adoration is organized at 6 p.m. this Friday, February 11, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the church of Saint-Étienne, the very place where Father Hamel was brutally assassinated. “Let us entrust to the Lord the trial of the attack of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray whose father Jacques Hamel died a martyr”, one can read in the parish bulletin which announces the event.

God has entrusted to humans the care of the world with all its components, including justice.

“God has entrusted to humans the care of the world with all its components, including justice”, writes in this same bulletin Alain Quibel, member of the Parish Animation Team between 2000 and 2018. “The time of the trial is legitimate. The reverse would have led the Gospels to move directly from the Transfiguration to the Ascension. However, on the contrary, they detail the trial of Jesus and his Passion. Everything that is unworthy in the stories serves to edify”. And to conclude: “So it is for Father Jacques Hamel: his church which he loved is the same in a new spirit […] Dread is followed by a time of grace. The parishioners and relatives are the openers of books who now repeat who Father Jacques really was to those who wish to know him better and to pray to him. »

Also discover the very evangelical intuitions of Father Hamel:

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