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A prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Festival, praying for a good harvest in the new year

The prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024 will help people pray to the Jade Emperor for a year of favorable business and good health.

Vietnam is a country with a long-standing civilization with many traditional activities during Tet that have been passed down from past to present. Every Lunar New Year, every family will perform rituals to pray for a peaceful new year, worshiping the Jade Emperor is also one of them.

The day of worshiping the Emperor’s Jade Emperor is on the 9th day of Giap Thin Lunar New Year, which falls on February 18 this year. On this day, many people make offerings to the Jade Emperor to pray for blessings, health, luck, and convenience in work and life.

For farmers, this is also an opportunity for them to pray for favorable weather and good harvests.

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Written prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024

The best time to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Year of the Dragon 2024

According to ancient beliefs, the time to worship the Jade Emperor must be at the hour of the Rat (11pm to 1am), at the beginning of a new day when the sun has not yet risen.

However, according to the theory of Yin and Yang of the Five Elements, the best time to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Lunar New Year includes:

1. Dragon Hour (7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.): Dragon Hour is the time when the sun rises, worshiping gods at this time means hope and luck.

2. Monkey Hour (15:00-17:00): Monkey Hour is the time when the day turns to dusk. At this time, worshiping the Jade Emperor means resting at sunset and praying for peace and harmony throughout the year. .

3. Hour of the Pig (9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.): Hour of the Pig is the darkest hour of the night. Worshiping gods at this time symbolizes the silence of the night and prays for peace and success. in year.

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A prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Festival, praying for a good harvest in the new year - Photo 2.

Written prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024

So what is the most accurate offering to the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Year of the Dragon 2024? What rituals should we pay attention to when worshiping the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024?

Written prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha Buddha

I would like to respectfully request Your Majesty the Jade Emperor God, Your Majesty the Bat Hai, Your Majesty the King Thuy Te, Your Majesty the Council. Quan Nam Cao Cao Bac Dau, Four Great Heavenly Kings, Heavenly Dragon Protector of Dharma.

I would like to invite the Five Princes and the Five Immortals.

I would like to request Mother Hoang Thien Quoc, Mother Moc Cong heavenly mother, Mother Bat Hai, Mother Thuy Qi. Holy Mother of Nine Heavens.

I would like to invite the Buddha Amitabha Medicine Master Lapis lazuli Light Tathagata – I would like to invite the Buddha Shakyamuni, the leader of the Pure Land of Pure Land, Tathagata – I would like to invite the Buddha Mother Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva sound. I would like to invite Buddha Hoang Tran Nhan Tong, along with thousands of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Dharma Protectors.

I would like to invite the Kings, the Mothers, the adoring mandarins, the First Mother, the Second Mother, the Third Mother, and the Third Holy Mother.

I would like to invite the Four Palaces to worship you, the Four Palaces of thousands of spirits, the dragons and heavenly saints to worship you.

I would like to invite the ancestors, the saints, the gods, the Holy Tan Vien Son Than, the Holy Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan, the holy aunts, saints, holy souls of rivers and mountains.

I would like to invite the local Gods and Gods, the local Gods, the local Gods, the Gods of Wealth, the Gods of Kitchen Gods, the countless spirits who are governing…(My home address).

I would like to request the Holy Father’s family ancestors or (Husband’s family) the ancestors of the family…, the ancestors of both paternal and maternal sides, the councils of aunts, uncles, ghosts, souls of the family… , red girls, red boys.

Today is January 9, Giap Thin year. We: (full names of husband, wife, then children…)

There are incense sticks and small offerings with respect to Heaven, Buddha, the palaces and sacred realms.

We pray for your blessings and blessings for us: To be supported by yin and yang, to be respected above, to be humbled below, to be helped by friends and relatives, so that our work can go smoothly. Give us a warm and peaceful home, happy spouses, healthy children, talented people, good conditions, and means to do good deeds, accumulate blessings, accumulate virtue, and bring glory to our lineage. family, ancestors.

We sincerely ask you, the palaces of the sacred realms, to accept our prayers and prayers.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha Buddha

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A prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Festival, praying for a good harvest in the new year - Photo 3.

Written prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024

The meaning of the day of worshiping the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of Tet

The ceremony to worship the Jade Emperor, also known as worshiping the heavens on the 9th day of Tet, is performed on the 9th of January every year. This custom of worshiping the Jade Emperor comes from the cultural beliefs of Chinese-Vietnamese people.

Worshiping the Jade Emperor on January 9 at the beginning of the new year is not simply a normal worshiping ceremony, this is a time known as the beginning of many new things and new hopes.

January 9 is the day of Saint’s Birthday, the Jade Emperor himself descends to earth. Following them were many gods, Kim Dong Ngoc Nu and 70,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, God of Wealth, Van Xuong, Emperor Tu Vi, Nam Cao Bac Dau, Thai At Chan Nhan, Uncle Sinh Nuong Nuong, Phuc Loc Tho….

The gods are ruling the lower world such as: Tho Cong Tao Quan, Dia Phu, Thanh Hoang, Tho Dia, river gods, mountain gods, road gods, well gods, door gods, kitchen king, tree gods… ..all look forward to inviting the Jade Emperor to earth at the beginning of the year to judge the merits and sins.

Under the order of the Jade Emperor, the gods will forgive sins and bless the 10 directions and 6 realms, so all humans in the Three Realms perform a ceremony to invite the Jade Emperor and pray for blessings. Therefore, in temples, shrines, shops, and citadels, 18 dishes are offered and prayers are written to pray for the Jade Emperor’s forgiveness and blessings throughout the year.

Especially in families where relatives have recently passed away in the underworld, those who have passed away have suffered injustice, injustice, or those who died on the road and whose souls are still wandering in foreign lands. Or many ancestral families with heavy karma hope that the Jade Emperor will forgive their sins and quickly escape and be reincarnated. May all living beings living in the human world be happy and full of fruit.

Worshiping ceremony on the 9th day of the first lunar month of the year, as mentioned, this is the worshiping ceremony of the Jade Emperor. This is not only a simple ceremony but also a ceremony with a lot of meaning. The beginning of the new year is also known as the beginning of a lot of hope.

Therefore, people use this day of worship to ask for blessings, smooth sailing, health – family – work always going smoothly. Especially for farmers, this worshiping ceremony is a wish that the Jade Emperor will help people have a year of good weather and good harvests.

In the past, according to the folk beliefs of the Chinese and Vietnamese people, during the Lunar New Year season every year, people choose the 9th day of the first lunar month to worship God, which is also the ceremony of worshiping the Jade Emperor.

At dawn on the 9th, people begin to worship God, and the best time to worship is when the sun has not yet risen.

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A prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Year of the Dragon, praying for a good harvest in the new year - Photo 4.

Written prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024

How to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024?

Offerings to the Jade Emperor

On the day of the Jade Emperor, you need to prepare the following offerings:

Incense Candles (or you can use candles) 1 vase of fresh flowers, tea or filtered water 1 plate of fruit…

Offerings to the Jade Emperor are also called “six offerings”. Types of incense, lamps, flowers, fruits… nothing special. However, the tea offered to the Jade Emperor is a little different. Tea offered to the Jade Emperor is dry tea, poured into 9 small cups.

In addition, an offering that makes many people wonder is “food”. The product here is understood as an offering to the Jade Emperor. These types of items must be dry foods, such as tapioca flour, shiitake mushrooms, tofu, pho tai mushrooms, dried jujubes, dried vermicelli…

Besides, when choosing offerings, you should also pay attention to the quantity. The number of items should be an odd number of 3, 5 or 7.

Besides the six ceremonies, the homeowner also needs to prepare molding sugar, votive paper, and sugar cane. For sugar cane, the homeowner needs to buy a pair of yellow shells, with the tops intact. As for molding sugar, homeowners can also buy it before Tet.

Regarding votive offerings to heaven, homeowners can prepare piles of gold coins as yellow as possible along with a pair of paper boxes (1 yellow, 1 silver).

Above is the prayer to worship the Jade Emperor on the 9th day of the Dragon Year 2024, the meaning and rituals needed in the ceremony to worship the Jade Emperor.

Hopefully the above sharing will help you better understand the ceremony of worshiping the Jade Emperor and the most accurate way to worship the Jade Emperor.


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