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a positive development, but is the worst yet to come?

CORONAVIRUS. If the Covid-19 figures continue to move in the right direction, the prospect of a second epidemic wave again raises fears of a possible particularly acute deadly recurrence.

In France, as in many other countries, the time has come for the gradual lifting of the containment measures implemented several weeks ago to combat the spread of the coronavirus. If the deconfinement is motivated by figures in constant positive evolution, as well as by the need for a resumption of economic activity, it is not without risk. Confinement did indeed make it possible to limit the saturation of hospitals as much as possible, but it prevented immunity for the population. In France, the Pasteur Institute estimates the rate of the immune population at less than 6%. With people out again and despite masks and barrier gestures, a second epidemic wave seems inevitable. It remains to determine the moment when it will appear, but also and above all its intensity. Many voices are heard to speak of a second wave at the end of the summer, but some are more pessimistic than others. AFP quotes a senior American public health official, Robert Redfield, who said he feared for next winter an episode “even more difficult than the one we just experienced”, due to a coincidence with the seasonal flu. German virologist Christian Drosten, government adviser, also warned of the likelihood of a second wave more powerful than the first. Pierachille Santus, pulmonology professor in Milan also quoted by AFP, considers a contrario that we should expect a second wave “probably less than the first”. It is therefore time for uncertainty, even if it now seems inevitable that the coronavirus will cause further damage in the months to come.

A study by the Pasteur Institute, highlighted by Le Figaro, puts forward a new hypothesis as to how the coronavirus of Chinese origin settled in France. Assuming that Covid-19 gradually mutated while spreading over the territory, the researchers analyzed 97 genomes of the virus, drawn at random in France between January 24 and March 24. It appears that 90% of the strains circulating in France belong to the same strain family, scientifically called a clade. The Pasteur Institute revealed that the arrival of this clade could go back to mid-January in the Hauts-de-France, while remaining cautious on this scenario. “Other avenues cannot be excluded either,” warns Etienne Simon-Lorière, one of the researchers who worked on this study. From all this emerges the high probability that there was not a single “zero patient” at the origin of the epidemic wave experienced by France, but indeed several. “We do not find the first strains identified in France in the current epidemic in late January and early February,” said Etienne Simon-Lorière, still with Le Figaro. France was therefore struck by several strains of the virus, caused by the first “clusters” identified in the country, that of the religious gathering in Mulhouse being the one that would have caused the most damage.

It was expected given the figures this weekend. The number of coronavirus deaths in France has crossed the symbolic bar of 25,000 dead on Monday, May 4, 2020. There are 306 more deaths compared to yesterday’s assessment to reach 25,201 deaths. The latest deconfinement cards have also been revealed and changed little compared to the previous day. Here are the figures to remember this Monday evening:

  • 131 863 cases confirmed by PCR (Ehpad included), or 576 more
  • 71 390 cases in Ehpad, or 623 more
  • 25 201 deaths in total (Ehpad included), or 306 more
  • 15,826 hospital deaths, an additional 243
  • 9,375 deaths in nursing homes, 63 more
  • 25,548 hospitalizations in progress, 267 fewer
  • 3696 people currently in intensive care, 123 less
  • 51,371 people discharged from hospital, an additional 587

NB: the data relating to people hospitalized and in intensive care presented above correspond to the number of patients in the course of care and not to the accumulation since the beginning of the epidemic. In total, there were 93,372 hospitalizations. Similarly, hospitalizations and additional resuscitation cases in 24 hours correspond to net figures, taking into account cures and deaths. In the last 24 hours, roughly, 689 more hospitalizations have been recorded and 84 admissions to intensive care.

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