Al-Marsad Newspaper: Rosemary is an aromatic herb that has many health benefits and the fight against many diseases, especially cancer, according to Web Medicine.
Among the most prominent of these benefits:
1. Immune Booster and Anti-Inflammatory:
Rosemary has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties because it contains carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid. These compounds work to fight the enzyme that causes pain and inflammation in the body, and prevent the production of nitric oxide in excess of the body’s need, which plays a major role in the occurrence of infections. Also, because it contains many antioxidants (Antioxidants), rosemary has a great role to play in combating free radicals and boosting the body’s immunity.
2. It has anti-carcinogenic properties
3. Promote digestive health
4. Improve mood and fight depression
5. Improve memory
Many researches have proven the benefits of rosemary and its role in combating Alzheimer’s, and that this herb has properties that help enhance memory, because it contains carnosic acid, which works to protect nerve cells, especially brain cells.
6. Anti-aging
7. Stimulate hair growth
Some research has found that the rosemary herb may have a role in reducing hair loss and promoting its growth, and it may also have a role in treating the problem of alopecia areata.