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a popular climate motion was …

The Climate Strike and Grandparents for the Climate movements tabled a popular motion in Friborg on Monday with nearly 800 signatures. The text calls for part of the cantonal fortune to finance measures to face the climate crisis.

The popular motion is entitled “500 Million for measures favorable to the climate and the environment in the canton of Friborg”. Launched jointly by the two movements on April 22, it was handed over to the secretariat of the Grand Council. The document combines climate-related issues with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The mover indicated that the harvesting period for the 781 initials took place in a context that was at least difficult, marked by constraints relating to semi-containment. They insisted, during a videoconference, on the need to combine support for the cantonal economy and defense of the environment.

Cantonal wealth

According to them, it is also necessary that some of the proposals be taken up by various interest groups and political parties, all trends combined. Are targeted: a buildings program, an energy fund, a sustainable development strategy, a climate plan or even a biodiversity strategy.

The two entities behind the popular motion demand the investment of no less than 500 million francs in “measures to revive the ecological and socially just economy of Freiburg”. For the record, devoid of debt, the canton of Friborg has a fortune of 1.3 billion francs.

In Friborg, the popular motion is a political right granted to the people. It differs from the parliamentary motion in its author: instead of being signed by deputies, it is signed by a minimum of 300 citizens with the right to vote at the cantonal level. Once tabled and validated, it is treated by the Grand Council as a parliamentary motion.

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