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– A political “hit job”

Night to Thursday, day three of the Democrats’ national meeting took place. Among those taking the digital rostrum was former President Barack Obama.

He went to frontal attack on incumbent President Donald Trump.

– He has shown no interest in doing the job, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the enormous power to help anyone other than himself and his friends, no interest in treating the presidency as anything more than a reality show that he can use to get the attention he needs, Obama said.


Hilmar Mjelde is researching American politics at the research institute Norce. He writes in an SMS to Dagbladet that this was mostly a direct attack on his successor from an ex-president in modern times.

– This was what in the US is called a political “hit job”, writes Mjelde.

Mjelde believes that the reason for the attack is Trump’s handling of the corona crisis.

– There is an objective minimum standard for presidential leadership and competence that Trump has simply not met. There has been a deliberate disregard and neglect by the Trump administration in this crisis, and both Michelle and Barack Obama have in their speeches point by point gone through this, he writes, adding:

– Who in the hollow whips the knees of his own infection control chief, as Trump has done !?

Mjelde refers to the fact that Trump has on a number of occasions attacked on infection control chief Anthony Fauci.


Mjelde believes that part of the reason for the harsh attack on Obama is that he and Trump are in no way friends.

– Obama’s attack must also be seen in the light of political and personal enmity between Trump and Obama. Trump has systematically dismantled many of Obama’s decisions and reforms, especially Obama’s historic health care reform, Mjelde writes, adding:

– And Trump broke up politically by doubting that Obama is American.

During the election campaign four years ago, Trump asked questions about whether Obama was actually an American, and demanded, among other things, to see his birth certificate.

– Unclear message

Despite the harsh attack on Obama, Mjelde thinks that the overall message is unclear.

– I still think the Democrats convey a vague message. The Republicans who speak there say Biden is moderate, while Bernie Sanders says Biden will be the most left-wing president ever, writes Mjelde.

Sanders was named the most left-wing of the Democrats’ presidential candidates before the primary. He now says that Biden is more left-wing than any candidate has been before.

GRATEFUL: Senator Kamala Harris from California spoke last night at the Democrats’ national convention and thanked for being formally nominated as the party’s vice presidential candidate.
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Wednesday night local time, for the first time, a black woman was officially elected as the vice presidential candidate.

Kamala Harris will take the fight to be elected vice president. She took the podium after Obama. She is a former public prosecutor, and was prepared to take up the fight. For example, she accused Trump of being an abuser.

– Harris took on the usual attacking role that vice presidential candidates will play. She sells herself as a US prosecutor, with Trump on the dock, says Mjelde.

He believes that despite the attack tactics, the speech is not particularly good.

– But she is not an extraordinary speaker, she is better in smaller settings, like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Mjelde concludes.

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