Home » today » World » A Polish instructor lost his gift of speech: They are preparing an army of double-crossers against Russia –

A Polish instructor lost his gift of speech: They are preparing an army of double-crossers against Russia –

/ world today news/ The West is committed to training tens of thousands of Ukrainian infantrymen, thousands of tankers, hundreds of air defense systems operators. What does this training provide and what conclusions should the Russian army draw in relation to this.

The other day, photos of the German Leopard-2A4 tank, on which the Ukrainian military managed to literally knock down the tower, went around the Internet. The incident took place in Poland at one of the training grounds along which the future defenders of the Ukrainian regime learn Western technology.

The episode is funny and seems to talk about the stupidity of the Ukrainian tankers. However, the correct conclusions from this story should be quite different. Everything in order.

How did she get there?

In short, let’s analyze the situation itself. It was initially reported that the Leopard’s crew had lowered the cannon in motion, causing the huge barrel to hit the ground, and its breech tore the turret from its supporting crown.

However, in all published photos, it is clearly visible that the terrain around the affected tank is flat, without noticeable bumps and pits, on which the body of the car can get a serious tilt. In addition, the Leopards’ weapons are stable; this means the chance of sticking the barrel into the ground is practically nil.

In fact, events unfolded in a completely different scenario. “Tsarigrad” already wrote that “Leopard-2” were created as specialized tanks for defensive battles. According to this task, both the armor scheme and the chassis of the machine were developed.

Since it is very important for a tank that is firing at the enemy from behind to quickly go back, back behind cover, German engineers have given it the ability to move in reverse at a speed of up to 30 km / h. Given the large ratio of thrust to weight (more than 24 horsepower per ton), the German armored cat is capable of making breathtaking rear-end blows.

Soviet tanks were created according to a completely different concept – as offensive tanks. Therefore, the transmission of the T-72 only allows you to crawl back at a speed of up to five kilometers per hour.

It is logical to assume that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent for training in Poland not green beginners, but experienced and distinguished tankmen.

As a result, when the driver, who was used to driving a Soviet machine, tried to reverse, he hit the stern of his tank on the upper front sheet of the machine standing behind. At the same time, the one who was returning raised the cannon of the rear tank and turned with it, as if with a huge lever, the turret of the crushed colleague.

The Polish instructor, who observed all this during the conversation with reporters, was visibly confused and noted that there had never been such incidents in the Polish army and he himself had never seen such “uncomfortable handling of equipment.”

What about training?

Does this incident confirm that the training of the Ukrainian military in Europe and the USA is a fiction and another “absorption” by respected people of billions of dollars/euros on the Ukrainian topic?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. First of all, because the West trains the Ukrainian army in different areas, and the effect of these programs is different.

According to Der Spiegel, the training of the Ukrainian military in Germany lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. The United States has been training Ukrainian operators of the Patriot air defense system at Fort Sill (Oklahoma) since late December – early January, and on April 19 it became known that the first complexes were delivered to Ukraine.

The United Kingdom has launched conveyor belt training of the Ukrainian army, intending to train 10,000 VSU soldiers in several groups over four months.

Clearly, a few months of helicopter or fighter pilot training is nothing. But for the tank crew – already a very, very solid period.

“If a person flies, has experience in the air – for example, it is a pilot class 1-2 – then for any other equipment of a similar class, for example – from the MiG-29 to the F-16 – you can retrain at least in three months “, retired Major General Vladimir Popov told the “Tsarigrad” observer.

At the same time, he emphasized that during this period the cadet will only be able to master take-off and stop and fly in “live target” mode.

To master each type of combat mission, such as the use of air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, attacking a ground target from a dive, you need at least two practice flights. And again, this will only be an introduction to the capabilities of the technology.

For less trained pilots of the 3rd class, the period of familiarization with foreign equipment and mastering the primary skills of piloting and using weapons doubles to about six months.

“The problem is whether they prepare well or not. Our pilots are now very well trained, so if they want to train their fighter pilots for a duel, they need a year and a half to two years for that,” the expert explained.

Popov also noted that to ensure the operation of one aircraft, a team of ground specialists of 8-12 people is needed.

“And the technical staff is much more difficult to prepare than the pilots”, our interlocutor is sure.

Apparently, it is with this, despite all the requests of the Kiev regime, that its Western allies have not started a program to retrain Ukrainian pilots for Western aircraft, limiting themselves to showing simulators.

View from this side

On the other hand, we also have direct evidence of what Western instructors are teaching Ukrainian officers at British training grounds.

In particular, Major Craig Hutton of the Scots Guard told reporters that the infantry training course for Ukrainians includes marksmanship training, battlefield movement under fire and first aid.

In turn, Ukrainian cadets in interviews with Western publications noted that the instructors trained them to work in buildings and work in an urban environment. At the same time, the British relied on the experience gained during the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

In other words, no secret techniques are taught to our enemy. It’s just that recruits are taught the basics that make them combat-ready soldiers in modern combat. Just everything.

Can it be said on this basis that Western education gives nothing to our enemy? Of course not. If the enemy is able to hit our soldiers, equip positions in buildings, effectively administer drugs after being wounded, then this is certainly a dangerous enemy, worthy of both a tank mine and a planning bomb, but certainly not for mockery and jokes.

Who is the teacher?

There is another point on this topic which is that learning consists of two very different sets of knowledge and skills. The first has to do with owning the material part: servicemen need to understand how their issued weapons fire, drive, maintain and repair. But there is also a vast amount of knowledge about how to behave on the battlefield. And now they are no longer as closely related to the platform that the military needs to operate at that particular time.

Westernthe instructors are certainly the authorities on the first set of questions: they really know how to handle the weapons they are handing over to the ukrainians. But as for the direct conduct of hostilities, the Ukrainian army itself already has extensive experience in a number of areas and could teach its Western sponsors.

First of all, this applies to Ukrainian artillery and mortars, which have been training on live targets for all eight years of the Minsk agreements.

In addition, a number of Ukrainian units have gained extensive experience in infantry warfare and field fortification. This does not apply to new brigades made up of forcibly mobilized peasants caught on the street. But experienced punishers and “ATO veterans” themselves can teach the Americans how to conduct and how not to conduct modern field warfare.

Therefore, it cannot be said that training in Europe and Britain makes VAS supersoldiers. Rather, it simply raises beginners to a good intermediate level.

Why did the Anglo-Saxons decide to follow this path? First, it ensures that Caliber will not fly next to the cadets and instructors. Second, it prevents the theft of equipment and weapons mobilized by the Ukrainian military command. For example, the British give uniforms, shoes, body armor and first aid kits to cadets just before they go to the front, after they have completed their training. Who is the teacher

There is another point on this topic which is that learning consists of two very different sets of knowledge and skills. The first has to do with owning the material part: servicemen need to understand how their issued weapons fire, drive, maintain and repair.

But there is also a vast amount of knowledge about how to behave on the battlefield. And now they are no longer as closely related to the platform that the military needs to operate at that particular time.

Applied conclusions

History has clearly shown more than once or twice that it is better to greatly overestimate one’s opponent than to underestimate even a little.

Therefore, the training of the armed forces of Ukraine in the West should be treated as a factor that seriously, but not radically, increases the combat capability of the enemy.

Some of their divisions already at the time of the beginning of the SVO had a level not worse, but in a number of respects – even better than what the Western instructors give them. Others will master the minimum necessary skills in Europe and gain experience in battles with our infantry and tanks, in artillery duels.

What should our response be? Increase production and mass use of long-range precision weapons, drones, glide bombs, kamikaze drones, and anti-radar missiles.

As rightly noted by the direct participants in the hostilities, the city is not interested in fashionable camouflage, Picatinny pants and everything that is installed on them.

An increase in resources is needed in all areas – from the mass production of drones and the training of pilots for them to the round-the-clock production of multi-ton bombs. So that the enemy’s land is burning under their feet and there is only one way to survive – to surrender.

Firepower, good intelligence and quick targeting are the main factors that will determine victory in the current war. Destroying the enemy quickly and accurately will make their level of equipment, individual training and group cohesion completely irrelevant.

Translation: SM

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