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A policewoman saves a 52-year-old woman swept away by the Loire

If we didn’t take her out of the water, she would be dead “. At the cost of a great fright, Marie-Pierre saved the life of this 52-year-old woman which was left drifted into the Loire.

Brigadier-chief at the national police of Blois, Marie-Pierre and three of her colleagues are called on the quays of the Loire for a couple dispute. We are in the night from Sunday to Monday, at the foot of the Jacques Gabriel bridge. It’s half past midnight, the man and woman get angry over lost apartment keys. When, for no reason, the woman heads for the Loire, enters the water, gets on her back and then lets herself be drifted, carried away by the current of the river. Clearly a suicide attempt for the police.

“Honestly, at first I was in disbelief”, says Marie-Pierre. “I said to myself no, she’s going to get wet, and she’s coming back, even if it seems completely absurd. But you never thought she was going to let herself go.”

Immediately, the police try to catch up with her. They have water up to their knees but she was already too far away because of the current. “We have to go back to the quays, and while going downstream, we manage to follow her thanks to our lamps”.

With its weight and the current, I am dragged into a water hole. I lose my footing and I drink the cup “, Marie-Pierre

The police then position themselves at various descents of the Loire. “I saw it coming on top of me”, continues Marie-Pierre. She was still on her back but her head was underwater. I managed to catch her by the arm but with her weight and the currents, I was dragged into a water hole. I lost my footing, I drank the cup but I managed to go back and my three colleagues came to help me to get it out of the water “.

Unconscious and hypothermic, she was evacuated to Blois hospital. Two days later, his condition is no longer a cause for concern.

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