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a policewoman from Poitiers receives the Legion of Honor, a

A policewoman from Vienne, commanding the night sections, received the Legion of Honor this Friday, July 8, 2022 during National Police Day.

Discreet and efficient. It is the unanimous portrait drawn up in two words by the police officers of Vienne to describe their colleague, Hlne Revelinpolice major.

This Friday morning, on the forecourt of the Poitiers prefecture, she became the first Viennese police officer in exercise distinguished by the Legion of Honor.

“It’s true that too often, it was given posthumously,” remarked a policeman. There, it is “his exceptional record of service” that is recognized and “a leadership indisputable about his teams”.

Discreetly, Major Revelin glides over the memories of her most significant interventions, preferring to highlight “the support of his teams”the solidarity experienced during his years in the night service.

Others then evoke for her, these sometimes perilous missions carried out with tact, and “these lives saved”.

Native of Picardyarrived in Poitiers in February 2000, Major Revelin commanded all the night sectionsemergency police units, those who arrive first on an intervention.

She will be on retirement from next October.

The Legion of Honor, awarded this morning by the prefect of Vienne, Jean-Marie Girier, responds to a request from the Minister to identify deserving police officers in all police stations in France who are likely to receive the red ribbon.

This first Poitevin Legion of Honor had been in training for two years.

During the ceremony, the medal for act of courage and dedication four police officers were handed over: chief corporals Fabrice Parthenay and Stphane Pinoges, peacekeeper Vincent Thomas and Jrme Btard.

They had intervened last August to subdue an armed and vindictive man who presented himself in front of the Poitiers police station to be killed.

The homeland security medal six police officers were awarded: silver echelon for Major Jrme Mallerault and Brigadier Jean-Pierre Levenez; bronze chelon for majors Jean-Michel Guyot, Eric Brunet, Pascal Herbet and brigadier-chief Xavier Moreau.

The medal of honor of the national police was awarded to eight police officers and an administrative agent: gold echelon for brigadiers Pascal Lahaeye and Christiane Fontaine, administrative assistant Vronique Cutillas; silver ladder for Stephan Steinmetz, Sophie Thomin, Guillemette Pierre, Jrmie Bonnet, Mlanie Jahan and Christelle Cappelli.

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