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A police officer suspected of radicalization files a complaint against Christophe Castaner

A police captain, a time suspended for suspicions of radicalization just after the killing of the police headquarters in 2019, filed a complaint for “discrimination” with the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) against the Minister of the Interior at the time Christophe Castaner, according to his lawyers.

According to the complaint revealed by Release and consulted on Monday 22 November by theAFP, the police officer lodged a complaint on November 17 for “discrimination on the grounds of belonging to a determined religion” and “moral harassment” to the requests commission of the CJR, the only jurisdiction empowered to prosecute and judge members of the government for crimes and offenses committed “in the exercise of their functions”.

He challenges his suspension followed by his transfer to another service which would be less sensitive. Acts according to him unfounded.

Aged 41, a police officer since 2004 and a convert to Islam, this man had been working since June 2019 at the Automated National Judicial File of Perpetrators of Terrorist Offenses (FIJAIT) at the Paris judicial police.

Colleagues have it “Denounced” to his hierarchy as potentially radicalized on October 6 and 7, 2019, a few days after Mickaël Harpon, a computer scientist from the police headquarters converted to Islam, killed four of his colleagues.

The policeman cleared by the IGPN

The police officer was suspended by the Ministry of the Interior on October 28, 2019, then reinstated on February 28, 2020, but transferred as head of the tax fraud and VAT group.

In a brief sent in June 2021 to the administrative tribunal, which must rule on the captain’s wish to return to the FIJAIT, the Ministry of the Interior mentioned “A radical religious practice, incompatible with the life of unity and beyond even with the demands of secularism of its republican missions and of public service”.

However, underlines the police captain, a report of the police of the police forces (the IGPN) delivered on June 8, 2020 as part of an administrative investigation, concluded that he had “Brought to light no breach” ni “No proselytizing”, that “Feelings and worries” agents did not appear to be related “To factual and concrete elements”, and that his suspension “Was not backed by any contemporary fact or behavior”.

According to him, the ministerial suspension order is therefore “Discriminatory on the grounds of religious affiliation” and his mutation translated “The refusal of the Minister of the Interior to leave a person of Muslim faith in charge of the FIJAIT”, while he was not presenting “No sign of radicalization” and had received “Excellent ratings”.

The police officer also filed a complaint against X at the end of October with the Paris prosecutor’s office for “discrimination”.

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