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A podcast to learn more about the appendix, this despised cluster

And you, do you still have your appendix, that little worm-shaped organ clinging to your intestine? For its 65th episode, Sixième Science, the scientific podcast of Science and the Future and 20 Minutes tells you all about this long despised cluster of cells!

The appendix could confer amazing benefits

According to a recent study by a team from Inserm and the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) published in the Journal of Anatomy, mammals that have it live longer than other animals of the same size. A very surprising conclusion that Nicolas Guttierez C., scientific journalist at Science and the Future and Romain Gouloumès from 20 Minutes peel together for you. While explaining to you the possible immune protection against diarrhea that the appendix would give to the one who kept it. Without spoiling their exchanges, rest assured: if you have been appendectomized, no, you will not live less long!

A poorly known origin

As you listen to this episode, you will learn why and how this tiny organ can actually boost immunity. In fact, even if the origin of appendicitis remains poorly understood, a strong relationship ebetween the appendix and the colon is currently under study. While waiting to know everything about this body which has obviously not yet revealed all its secrets, you can find the entire article here or dive into the universe of the Sixième Science archives all available here or even subscribe free.

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