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A plant extract to reason the nutrition of the vine

Végé-Express launched by the Aurea laboratory in viticulture is an analysis which makes it possible to know at a given moment the flow of mineral elements in the plant. This makes it possible to reason the nutrition of the vine and to detect deficiencies before they penalize the vine.


n Monday April 25, Aurea presented during a webinar the new analysis that the laboratory offers in its range to reason the nutrition of the vine: Végé-Express. This is an analysis of the plant extract which makes it possible to know at a time T the transit of the mineral elements in the plant. This analysis consists of pressing adult vine leaves to recover the liquid part in which we will measure the flow of macro and micro-elements: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, boron, etc. he idea is to detect any imbalances or deficiencies before they are detrimental to the vine, so as to correct them quickly. This analysis can be carried out from the presence of adult leaves until harvest. Auréa guarantees a period of 5 days for the laboratory analysis, ie 7 days between sampling and receipt of the results.

A collection kit

To carry out this analysis, Auréa provides a sampling kit designed for the analysis of two plots containing a sampling guide, two sampling bags, two information sheets, a carrying bag, a chronopost voucher and a sampling guide. Sampling consists of collecting a sample of 40 adult leaves (blade + petiole). It should be done in the morning before 9 a.m. before the leaves recharge with carbohydrates, Monday through Thursday. The sending must be done immediately (before lifting in the afternoon) to preserve the integrity of the sample. Price culture of the analysis 50 € approximately. According to Aurea, the advantage of the analysis of the plant extract is that it is easy to interpret and that it makes it possible to have wider possibilities of intervention if a deficiency is detected.

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