A new episode full of intrigues is awaited also for Un posto al sole! The protagonists of the advances are Marina and also Alberto Paladini, both suffocated by a situation now out of control for which they will soon be forced to make drastic decisions?
Alberto Paladini for some time now he has been back in the palace, always finding a way to find himself in situations that are not new to him. In the chaos we now find the bond that man has established with Clara that for him is beginning to become like a real trap from which he is struggling to free himself?
We also find a moment of strong crisis Marina, who is now forced to face a very difficult situation for her in total solitude. Here is about to happen at Palazzo Paladini.
A place in the sun advances
The atmosphere a Paladini Palace is going to get really very tense and Alberto Paladini she is certainly not having an idyllic moment for him. The relationship with Clara for some time now is no longer what it used to be and Alberto he begins to feel suffocated by the woman, thus seeking distractions.
Not surprisingly, we find an important role to play Barbara Filangeri who offered Paladini his dream job and started flirting with him. Alberto, realizing everything, could soon yield to the woman’s court and thus betray Clara.
The construction site crisis
Meanwhile, things are no better for Marina which is facing a major crisis for shipyards, whose fate at the moment seems to be seriously compromised.
The woman will seek help in Fabrizio which, in turn, will show itself even more fragile in the throes of a crisis with itself which in some ways comes at the very worst moment. Marina, in fact, will be left alone in managing everything without being able to rely in any way on Fabrizio who, instead, continues to be immersed in this sort of crisis between sensitivity and fragility. What will Marina decide to do in this case?