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A piquense passionate about music

The singer from Pique, Guillermina Corrales, about to graduate from the music faculty of the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in this city, reflected that society still needs to make much progress towards the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The young woman who suffers from blindness, followed the path of music from a very young age and gained a space at the local level. He barely has his thesis left to finish with his teaching staff, and he hopes in the future to be able to dedicate himself to teaching.
«I realized from a very young age that I liked music, that I had the capacity. When I was 7 years old, I started playing the piano with Jorge Sosa and I continued learning some singing things. Then I learned to play the guitar by myself, and when I was older, in adolescence, I took singing lessons with Silvia Zabzuk. Then I enrolled in Fine Arts, I surrendered everything and I only need my thesis to receive me from the music teacher, “he told LA ARENA.
He said that this development, as in his entire life, was essential to accompany “the family, my sisters and my parents. Helping me is not just taking me and bringing me somewhere, if not even in the most insignificant things, like dressing, putting on makeup and choosing clothes ».
«Regarding the study, I think that the province is not very prepared to teach a blind person. It has no resources or teachers, and sometimes it’s a bit cumbersome because you find teachers who don’t know how to teach you, “he said.

In everyday life, difficulties are repeated in very everyday matters such as going to the ATM or shopping at the supermarket. “The more technology there is, there are times more we are excluded. In the Bank, there are all touch machines even to get the number of the shift, and I have to go with a person to accompany me and see. There is also a single teller with a voice, and there are things that cannot be done, “he said, adding:” They are the most everyday things, in which they do not stop to think about the other. It would be nice if a lot of things are implemented to be able to include people with disabilities. I speak from the place of blindness. They are small things that one sometimes does not realize, and that if we could all take action, it would be good. It remains to think a little more about the other, and so we could live a little more comfortable.
Guillermina, who is about to finish her degree, plans to dedicate herself to teaching and thus be able to help people, who like her, also encountered barriers in the educational field, with teachers who did not have the tools to teach a student with blindness.
Although music is his great passion and he dedicates much of his efforts to it, for some time he has also turned to sports. He started taking soccer classes the previous year, but the pandemic put a stop to his illusion. «I’m starting to play football for the blind at the La Barranca de Santa Rosa club. It would be good if more people continue to join, because it is a very nice sport. I joined in 2019, and last year, with everything from the pandemic, I was barely able to go once. It is very nice to share and it helps us a lot to improve motor skills, “he said.

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