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A pilgrimage trip for “Christianity” .. How did “Health” deal with the “Menia Doctors” accident?

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Inside a coffin decorated with flowers, the body of Samah Nabil Al-Raqiq, a young doctor who graduated from Minya’s medicine 2017, dreamed of dreaming, like the rest of her colleagues, with a better future, but the arbitrary administrative orders issued by Health Directorate doctors did not give “Samah” or her colleagues an opportunity for the life you wished. And only half of the deadline for the start of a training course in Cairo was reporting to the victims, which made it difficult for them to book train tickets, the safest way, so they had to travel in a “microbus” car, subject to investigation.

During the road from Minya to Cairo, the “minibus” was traveling in the middle of “Shaboura” and the fluctuating weather, which instilled fear in the hearts of female doctors, and instead of the training course, death was waiting for the victims on the road, as the accident resulted in the death of 4 people, Among them are two female doctors, a driver, a worker, and the injury of 17 other male and female doctors, as one of the doctors, Ruth, was not delivered to the fetus, and he died in her womb as a result of the injury, and the uterus was removed after its explosion and the death of the fetus inside it, according to statements by Dr. Ehab Al-Taher, Secretary-General of the Syndicate the doctors.

How did the Ministry of Health deal with the accident?

1. A lengthy statement

Hours after the accident, the Ministry of Health came out with a statement “free of feelings”, as Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesperson of the ministry, said that “immediately after the accident, 14 equipped ambulances were taken, transporting all the injured and deaths to two hospitals 15 May and Helwan of the Year, noting that immediately after the Minister learned of the incident, she ordered the transfer of the injured to the Nasser Institute Hospital.

He added that the injuries varied between fractures, segmental wounds, and bruising in separate places on the body, while there were 3 cases receiving intensive care treatment at Nasser Institute Hospital, indicating that one case came out after her health condition improved and she received medical service in May 15 Hospital.

The Minya Doctors Syndicate announces mourning, and the doctors mourn the “martyrs of the profession”

He emphasized that the Minister of Health and Population directed the provision of all medical care for the injured, and medical teams were formed from university professors to follow up the medical condition of all the injured, and also sent a detailed medical report of the cases of the first-time patients to check on their health status by themselves, and was also assured that there is sufficient stock of blood bags In the hospital.

2. A pilgrimage for the families of the two victims, one of them “Christian”

During the aforementioned statement, Mujahid revealed that the Minister of Health took important decisions following this tragic accident, and decided to include the parents of the two deceased women doctors for the Hajj medical mission for this year, and to give their names to the two medical units they were working with in their honor, without noting that one of the victims « Christianity »Religion, called Samah Nabil, as her funeral took place, on Thursday morning, from the Church of Our Lady of the Catholic Copts, south of the city of Minya, and the prayers were presided over by Father Boutros Yaqoub, representative of the Archdiocese of Minya.

The funeral of Dr. Samah Nabil, a victim of the Menia doctors accident

And Jacob called on the Minya residents and their doctors to immediately investigate every official responsible for the accident, especially after news came about forcing the victims to travel and informing them of the training date a day and a half before it was held in Cairo.

3. Refer a doctor for investigation for not attending the training

Dr. Tareq Fateh El Bab, undersecretary of the Minya Doctors Syndicate, said that the syndicate will urgently investigate the accident of the “microbus” of female doctors assigned to Cairo to attend a training course, saying: “Those who lost our daughters are young women doctors, and God gives a cure to all the injured.”

There were reports that the victims were forced to travel and informed of the training date just a day and a half before it was held in Cairo, which made it difficult for them to book train tickets so that their travel would be safer, so they had to travel in a “microbus” car for fear of being investigated, which was confirmed by “opening the door” as well, He said: “The women doctors were notified enough time before the training, they were not allowed to book train tickets, because the trains are the safe way in light of the atmosphere and the cold weather, as they have already called for bringing training to the province.”

Menia Doctors

Despite what happened, Dr. Fatima Moussa, the only survivor of the accident, said only because she did not catch up with her colleagues on the “Death Microbus”, that she was referred to the investigation for the lack of independence of the “bus”, and the doctor wrote on her personal page on the social networking site “Facebook”: “The administration is speaking to me” Morning in their minds reassured me that I was supposed to travel with them and they told me you have a virgin investigation

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