Lorraine and particularly the border region with Luxembourg attracts many nationals of third countries (outside the European Union) who see, with the Grand Duchy, an opportunity to quickly find a job, well paid, and employers who are not always watching when hiring.
Can a non-EU national living in France work in Luxembourg?
Unlike a national of an EU member country, a Russian, a Swiss or even an Albanian, even authorized to reside in France, cannot work everywhere in Europe. An Albanian who is housed in Audun-le-Tiche and who holds a work permit in France cannot be hired in Luxembourg without having first obtained an authorization from the Grand Ducal administration or an exemption related to the fact. that he would, for example, be married to a national of an EU member country.
Hire a non-EU national, instructions for use
In Luxembourg, when a company wants to hire an employee, it must complete a declaration of vacant position. The Adem (Employment Development Agency) has three weeks to present it with candidates corresponding to the required profile. It is only after this legal deadline that the company can recruit whoever it wants. Certain sectors of activity under pressure – construction or cleaning for example – go through the procedure, often out of ignorance, and hire candidates who are not in good standing. These companies are exposed, in the event of control or accident at work, to penal sanctions.
Illegal work: what consequences?
In the construction industry, for example, which is a high-risk sector, in the event of an accident at work, the person considered in the eyes of the administration as carrying out an activity illegally will not be covered by Social Security. Ditto if she gets sick. “We see cases where people have worked for several years in Luxembourg without knowing that they were not contributing and find themselves in dramatic situations”, points out Isabelle Lan, director of the Maison du Luxembourg, in Thionville. “The health crisis, unfortunately, has only amplified this phenomenon”, deplores in turn Julien Dauer, head of the legal department of Frontaliers Grand Est.
More info on www.frontaliers-grandest.eu Or on maisonduluxembourg.fr