Home » today » News » A petition for the “definitive extinction of digital advertising screens” signed by 2000 people including Eric Piolle

A petition for the “definitive extinction of digital advertising screens” signed by 2000 people including Eric Piolle

A petition calling for “the definitive extinction of digital advertising screens” was signed by many political figures including the mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle. A proposal already formulated by the Citizens’ Climate Convention.

some 2 000 people including elected environmentalists and leftists, as well as association leaders have signed up a petition asking “the definitive extinction of digital advertising screens”. The initiative, launched by various associations, defends “an emergency measure, only socially and ecologically”according to the text addressed to President Emmanuel Macron.

These screens appear “as a real inconsistency in a society increasingly marked by the ecological and social emergency, in a context of energy crisis and incitement to sobriety”judge the signatories of this petition launched by the Resistance to advertising aggression, Greenpeace, Alternatiba, Plein la vue or ANV-Cop21 associations.

The nighttime extinction of illuminated and advertising signs, decided by the government, is “a necessary but derisive answer”they believe, because it “does not address the problem of consumption peaks at lunchtime and in the evening”.

The text has been signed by more than 2 000 people this Tuesday, September 13th. Among these, elected environmentalists including the mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle, rebel deputies – Mathilde Panot, François Ruffin -, or even leaders of associations such as the general director of OXFAM France, Cécile Duflot.

This petition comes at a time when France’s energy supply is under pressure for the coming winter, particularly from an electrical point of view, with a large number of nuclear reactors closed for maintenance but also for corrosion problems.

Ademe looked at the impact of digital billboards in 2020. The public body counted in France the previous year 55 000 digital billboards against 40 000 in 2017.

“A 2 m² digital LCD advertising screen consumes 2,049 kWh / year, which is close to the average consumption of a French household for lighting and appliances (without heating)”, Ademe observed. The Citizens’ Climate Convention had proposed a ban on advertising video screens in 2020 “in public spaces, public transport and points of sale”.

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