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A Peruvian judge condemned. Sex lawyer Pop the webcam trial online

Peruvian judge condemns – Jan. 30 Mirrored Report on the scandal in the fair circles of Peru Latin America From the case where the lawyer had sex with a young woman During an online hearing on Jan. 26 from a court in Pichanaki, the central province of Gunin,

Ector Paredes Robres News attorney Naked and sitting on a chair So that the young woman can straddle the lawyer And engaging in sexual activities Which appears on the lawyer’s webcam is still open Which court officials and other lawyers Look in amazement During the consideration of sending the defendant back to detention

Local media also reported. The young woman who has sex with a lawyer is her daughter.

Juan Chua Torres The judge, the chairman of the online trial Call the police. And the officer alerted the lawyer that A lawyer’s sexual activity was viewed and recorded during public live feeds.

During that time, Judge Torres said: “We are seeing obscene acts of public abuse and escalate with national distribution. I ordered the State Prosecutor’s Office to immediately launch an investigation. “

Latest date Jan. 29, the defendant’s attorney is excluded from his involvement in the case. And must attend two investigations from the state prosecutor And the local lawyers association

After the suspension of the trial temporarily The judge stated that This lawyer does not respect the dignity of this court nor the lawyers and other legal professions

The regional high court condemned the lawyer and ordered the on-duty attorney to act on his behalf. And should notify the Peruvian Public Ministry and the local Bar Association to take appropriate action.

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