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A party to test whether it is safe: ‘Cool and unreal’

Today it is almost a year ago that events involving more than 100 people were banned because of the corona crisis. That also immediately meant the end of large (dance) parties, concerts and festivals.


But today there was a queue at the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam for the first time in ages. “It just gives me goosebumps when I look around,” says doorman Michel. “We haven’t had any visitors for over a year, so it’s fantastic that people are allowed to come again today.”


The fact that people are allowed to come is thanks to an experiment by Fieldlabs. This organization is investigating with several parties whether it is possible to safely organize larger events in times of corona.

For example, there was already a test with a conference with 500 attendees, a football match with an audience and a theater performance with 1,300 spectators in the hall. Today it was tested in the Ziggo Dome whether it might also be possible to organize dance parties again soon, and if so, how.

Although the hall can normally accommodate 17,000 people, 1,300 people were invited – due to the corona measures – on Saturday. These ‘chosen ones’ are divided into five groups of 250 people and a group of 50.

Each so-called ‘bubble’ has its own entrance and walking route in the Ziggo Dome and its own rules.

‘Unreal Today’

The atmosphere is already good in line for the Ziggo Dome. “I’m really looking forward to it, it’s been so long now”, says Mark (24) from Alkmaar. “The feeling that you will soon be able to party again is really great. It is so unreal to be able to do that at this time,” he says. “The whole atmosphere around it is already enjoying, the feeling of being able to party again. It is so unreal to be able to do that at this time.”

“Just get away from the daily grind”, adds Marissa (23), with whom Mark goes to the party. “We feel like we are going back a bit to the old life.”

1300 people managed to score a ticket for the party, which (just like tomorrow’s test concert with André Hazes, and next weekend’s festivals) was sold out in no time.

Test twice

A ticket for the dance party cost 15 euros. Everyone present today had to undergo a free corona test up to 48 hours in advance. According to the organization, a total of 1,589 people were tested (visitors and employees) and the results were positive in 12 people. Of course they had to be quarantined and were not present today.

Doing a corona test was no problem for most visitors. “Some people may be difficult about that, but I think it’s not that bad,” says Marissa. “If those are the only things you have to do to attend such a party, then I gladly agree, we are happy to do that.”

It is also the intention that participants have themselves tested again five days after the party, to see if any infections have occurred during the event. A test performance by Guido Weijers previously showed that 20 percent of the audience had not been tested afterwards.

‘You’re ruining the experiment’

The visitors of the Ziggo Dome today do not have a good word for that. “I think it’s bad because you’re ruining the experiment”, say Charlotte (23) who came from Nijmegen with Marije (23). They found it no problem to do a corona test prior to the event, and also have themselves tested five days after the party.

“That is part of the test. It would just be nice if it could be done in several places in the future, because we now had to travel quite far to be able to do the test. But nevertheless, we will go again in five days. just test it. I think that is also your duty. ”

Take temperature

Marije and Charlotte are eager to enter. “We can’t wait to start dancing. We think it would be wonderful to be able to dance and chat with strangers again, and to move without those five feet.”

But before that happens, the temperature of the visitors is first recorded upon arrival. The participants also receive a tag, with which their movements are followed. For example, it looks at how the visitors move, how many contact moments they have and how long they last.

When the temperature is right and the visitors are tagged, the party can begin. Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Sam Feldt and Lucas & Steve can be heard from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The chosen visitors will go all out on their music from the first minute.

‘Unreal and fine’

“It’s great fun, it’s a relief to be able to party with so many people again”, says a male visitor, who has to make an effort to rise above the music. “It’s very unreal,” he continues. “But at the same time it is also very nice. And it quickly feels familiar again, as if corona never existed.”

A female visitor also had to get used to it in the beginning. “It is very strange at first, you can hardly imagine what will happen. But it is magical that this is possible and that this experiment is there, so that we will soon be looking at where the opportunities lie.”

“It’s so cool to be here,” shouts another visitor, holding a large plastic cup with beer in his hand. “In the beginning it still felt a bit unreal, but soon everyone went completely loose.”

No masks, experiment failed?

In almost all bubbles, people have to wear a mouth cap. It is striking that despite the prescription to wear one, many partygoers in different bubbles do not wear a mouth mask while dancing. Does this mean the experiment has failed?

No, says organizer Fieldlab. “The behavior of people is also part of the research. We use a set of measures for each bubble, and use video analysis to see whether people adhere to those rules. So if people do not wear it, that will be included in the research. “

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