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A paradon against breast cancer

This Thursday, at the headquarters of the Provincial Board of A Coruña of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the ceremony was held to deliver five limited edition t-shirts of the goalkeepers of RC Deportivo de La Coruña, which have been raffled between the participants in the challenge Paradon Against Breast Cancer, with which funds were raised to support women facing this disease with social and psychological care, support and prevention. The messages of the Association’s breast cancer campaign appear on the shirts: “#SacaPecho” and “For the most vulnerable.”

The president and vice president of the Provincial Board of the Association, Manuel Aguilar and Carlos Lamora, respectively, participated in the event; the president of RC Deportivo, Antonio Couceiro; the goalkeeper and goalkeeper of the team, Ian Mackay and Ana Valles; and representatives of some of the club’s sponsors: Mónica Buño, ABANCA’s office director in A Coruña, and Álvaro Enríquez, CEO of Duacode. The winners of the shirts have been Lucía Rodríguez, Iago Mouzo, Pablo Bouza, Marcos Vidal and Aurora Malvárez.

Manuel Aguilar highlights that breast cancer “is the second cancer with the highest incidence in Spain. Every year, 34,000 people – almost all women – are diagnosed with the disease, 2,200 of them in Galicia ”. Cancer “especially hits those who are already in a situation of fragility: 15% of those diagnosed are in a situation of social vulnerability”. In addition, the disease “causes an estimated economic loss, in the first five years, of 40,000 euros.” For this reason, “the Association seeks resources to help financially, provide psychological care, accompany and promote research.”

For his part, Carlos Lamora thanked Deportivo and the sponsors “for their generosity.” Ian Mackay’s pink t-shirt “has become iconic and a fan favorite,” and represents “support for people with cancer.” He also explained that, during the challenge, “there have been 579 donations, many of which come from various parts of Spain, beyond our city, which demonstrates the universal character and solidarity values ​​of Deportivo”.

Antonio Couceiro also thanked the participation “of all those who have collaborated in this extraordinary initiative, which Deportivo has supported from the beginning. We want to continue collaborating, and any other proposal that comes from the Association will have our support ”.

Ian Mackay then took the floor to explain “that this is a special act for me, because I had to experience the disease closely on two occasions.” For that reason, “I will always do my bit in everything I can to help people with cancer.”

To close the event, Ana Valles highlighted the importance of this type of initiative “because many women suffer from breast cancer. I sympathize with the cause. Here we are the players of the club for whatever is necessary.

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