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A packet of pasta for each viewing on YouTube – Córdoba

Grupo Gallo will convert the visualization of the Christmas clip ‘Let life come back’ starring the company’s employees into kilos of pasta for Spanish food banks. With this action, Gallo renews its commitment to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), closing a year of collaboration with this organization in the fight against the Covid-19 crisis.

This time it does so through a collective action, sharing with society its celebration of Christmas. It is about the recording of a musical theme and a video clip in which the Gallo Group launches a message impregnated with optimism, claiming joy and teamwork as keys to face the day to day.

Workers of the group’s plants in El Carpio, Esparreguera, Granollers, the Ta-Tung plant in Sant Vicenç dels Horts and the administrative headquarters in Barcelona have interpreted the song ‘Let life come back’ and have participated in the video with which the company congratulates in an endearing and joyful way this Christmas marked by Covid.

In response to the difficult circumstances that we are experiencing, Grupo Gallo has decided to transform its Christmas celebration into an opportunity to launch a message of strength and optimism to its clients, friends and society in general with the activation of a new solidarity action that has a direct impact in vulnerable people and groups.

For this purpose, Grupo Gallo will donate a packet of pasta for each visualization obtained of the clip ‘Let life come back’ on the company’s YouTube channel, between December 17 and January 6. In addition to the pasta packages resulting from the visualizations, Grupo Gallo will also permanently donate the proceeds obtained from the copyright of the song, composed by the musician Arnau Giordani, for this occasion.

The Director of Communication and Marketing of Grupo Gallo, Noemí García, explains that “our company cannot remain oblivious to the difficulties that so many families are experiencing, hit by a crisis that we cannot afford to turn our backs on.” In this sense, Noemí García considers that ‘supporting all those organizations and associations that fight to alleviate the suffering of people is a responsibility to which we all have to contribute and, from Pastas Gallo, we have wanted to do it with this new action that It will be possible, once again, thanks to the commitment and effort of the entire Gallo family. ‘

The Spanish Federation of Food Banks makes a call for participation in this solidarity action that will make it possible to face the chronic shortage of certain products derived from the continuous increase in demand caused by the Covid-19 crisis. According to the general director of FESBAL, Miguel Fernández Rodríguez, ‘food banks face the daily challenge of supplying an increasing number of people whose main livelihood depends on the food we provide them’ and warns that ‘the recrudescence of the effects of the crisis are far from over soon and, for this reason, we must continue to fight from all fronts to be on the side of the most vulnerable. ‘

This action is part of the aid plan that the company launched last March, in order to face emergency situations that occurred as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. In this specific case, Grupo Gallo considers it essential to ensure the supply of products that, such as pasta and wheat, occupy a relevant place in the diet of Spanish families.

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