Home » today » News » A nurse steals old jewelry infected with dementia … and a home surveillance camera reveals it

A nurse steals old jewelry infected with dementia … and a home surveillance camera reveals it

Home security cameras revealed that a health care worker stole the belongings of an eighty-year-old woman, after the woman’s son hired her to care for his mother, who suffers from dementia and breathing problems.

According to a report published in the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, the caregiver “Caroline Pastable”, who is 42 years old, stole the jewelry of the elderly woman, “Sheila Wade”, which she was supposed to take care of, and also stole sums of money. Perfumes from her home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

It is worth noting that the value of the holdings stolen by “Bastable” is estimated to be about 8 thousand pounds sterling.

The old woman’s son discovered the theft after he installed secret surveillance cameras at home to monitor the behavior of his mother’s nurse for two weeks after he suspected it.

Indeed, surveillance cameras have detectedPastableBy stealing cash from the Wade wallet, as well as stealing bottles of perfumes, jewelry and other items, taking advantage of the deteriorating health of this lady.

The “Daily Mail” quoted the son of “Wade” as saying that he began to notice the disappearance of cash he had given to his mother, as he had noticed the disappearance of some items from the house, so he decided Installing surveillance cameras around the house, and by reviewing the recordings of the cameras, he discovered that the mother had taken possession of his mother’s money and jewelry while she slept.

The police arrested her Against the background of this incident, officers, after searching her home, found the victim’s stolen belongings.

And represented “Pastable“In front of the court in the aftermath, she pleaded guilty to charges of willful negligence and theft.

The British newspaper reported that a judgment will be issued against her in February.

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