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A new video of Tamara Pettinato speaking to Alberto Fernández from the Rivadavia chair was released

Tamara Pettinato’s new video at Casa Rosada with Alberto Fernández

While the investigation into the complaint of gender violence that Fabiola Yañez made against Alberto Fernández progresses, a new video of the former president with Tamara Pettinato, who is seen sitting in Rivadavia’s chair, has been released. The filming, which Infobae had access to, is from the same meeting at Casa Rosada that was revealed days ago, which was also recorded in a recording where the journalist is seen drinking beer in the presidential office.

The new video recording of that day, in January 2022, lasts a few seconds and is a conversation between the two in the same tone as the previous video. “Now you have to tell me,” Alberto Fernández is heard saying at the beginning.

“I love you very much, I love you,” Pettinato replies, sitting behind the desk of the then head of state. “Are you sure?” Fernandez asks her.

The host jokingly replies: “More or less. But now that I am president, I am going to have you killed.”

“But do you love me or not?” Alberto Fernández insists in the recording while recording the moment with his cell phone. “I love you. And that’s why I’m going to kill you now,” concludes Tamara Pettinato.

The new release comes amid the uproar sparked by Fabiola Yañez’s complaint to the courts, where she claimed that the former head of state beat her while they were living together in Olivos. Among other accusations, she also said that Alberto Fernández was constantly cheating on her with different women and spoke of the indifference shown by those close to her in the face of these episodes.

“The lack of respect for institutions has occurred at all levels. The presidential office and the history of the Argentine Republic have been insulted. Total shame,” said presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni after the video was released on Saturday.

In the exclusive interview that Yañez gave to Infobae, the former first lady had referred to the first recording released between Alberto Fernández and Tamara Pettinato. When asked if she had already seen it, she responded bluntly: “Yes, of course, because I found them on my son’s phone. There were other photos and there were other people. He makes the mistake or, I don’t know, the sloppiness, let’s call it what we want.”

Alberto Fernandez with Tamara Pettinato in Casa Rosada

She also explained how she found it: “There was a phone that wasn’t being used and I used that phone to play music to help Francisco sleep. One day, when we were coming back from Chapadmalal so that the child would be calm, we played music and gave it to him. The child was already a year and a half old and knew how to use it. My mother, who was next to him, took the phone from him and said to me: ‘Fabiola, what is this?’ And she gave it to me. There was a photo of a naked woman. Obviously it had been sent to him. And I started looking and discovered that there were those videos.”

This Thursday, the journalist had decided to speak live after the first videos with the former president of the Nation were released. Although she had already expressed herself on the matter on social media, towards the end of the week she appeared on her streaming program on Blender and made her statement.

“That I am a whore, that I am a cat, that I am a VIP prostitute, that I have an illicit association, that I went to ask for my brother to protect me. That I also wanted to get Milei, that I ran away, that I hid, that I went to the south of the country to hide, that I am going to go live in another country. That it was during the pandemic, when you couldn’t go out, that I entered the Casa Rosada hidden in a trunk and that I left hidden in a trunk. That I charged $4,500 for a job that he got me, of course. That the 65-year-old man who I told a very nice anecdote about was him, that I have several contracts with the State and that they say that I profited from him,” Tamara began by saying on air.

Tamara Pettinato’s Love Letter to Alberto Fernandez: “I am the love of your life”

“These are some of the things I heard about myself for having gone to eat at the Casa Rosada one day, staying for lunch after recording an interview. I didn’t hear it from ordinary people who write to you on social media, or haters, I heard it from journalists, who have to tell the truth, whose commitment is to inform and tell the truth, so that the people who see them form an opinion and then go and curse you on social media. I heard it from them, I heard it from the current President, Milei, calling me a prostitute and that I am part of an illicit association. People who are responsible, having a microphone and who have the responsibility to inform said these things and many more, these are just some that I came across there,” she continued.

“I didn’t hide, I didn’t run away, I don’t have to hide or leave the country. I stayed at home for a few days because of the emotional shock of seeing yourself exposed in something you didn’t choose, that I don’t wish on anyone, it’s something I never wanted, it’s a video I never had, that wasn’t on my phone, that didn’t come from me, that only one person had, two, I found out later. And with a video of a lunch they completely shifted the focus from what was important: a complaint for gender violence, they mixed everything up. They took the focus off that complaint, they put me on the front pages of newspapers talking about that complaint, they put my video, which has nothing to do with one thing or the other,” she said later sitting at the front of the cycle’s table.

Tamara Pettinato’s word on Blender

And he concluded: “The serious and important thing here is this complaint and it is what they have to investigate. They have to listen to that victim, and this video has nothing to do with it. This video is gossip, they shifted the focus from what is important, they ask me for explanations when I am not the person who has to explain. I stayed for a lunch that was invited by the only one who can invite you, I went in with four other people and not in a trunk. I am not going to explain each of the things I said on that list because all the ones I named are lies, I have nothing else to clarify. What I clarified is on my networks, in a statement, you can go see there what I explained, you can also go see there the swearing of people, based on what they see in the media because people listen and then go and repeat. There is only one villain in this story and it is not me.”

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