Radio host Kim Sainio has had MS for about 17 years.
Radio host Kim Sainio, 50, has posted a new Instagram update about her daily life with MS. Sainio has had MS for about 17 years.
The post includes a video in which Sainio rides his electric wheelchair along the Sanomatalo basement corridor towards the men’s dressing room. The host says in his post that he is going to the gym.
– The first “step” has now been rolled towards the hall. It’s an incredibly big leap for a disabled person, but also the easiest single procedure, he writes in the caption of his post.
Miia Sirén
The presenter must state that the hobby has brought to his mind a lot of questions related to his mobility impairment.
– Everything always starts with a question: how? How do I manage not to fall or keep my balance somehow? Will the change of clothes succeed? Every independent event always contains the question “what if”, he lists.
Sainio emphasizes that his post is not a lament.
– I’m not complaining, I’m highlighting. Sometimes the load gets so big that I unload my load with a single muttering of powerful words. It gives me new space for the load produced by everyday life. The load is not constant, it changes constantly, the man states.
– The sheer positivity makes my load smaller. Getting pissed off from time to time again belongs to this sport, he adds in the end.
If the link is not visible, you can view the publication here.
Sainio told Iltalehte in October 2023 that the disease has progressed to the stage where he needs aids. At first, the man did not agree to use his aids until he realized that their benefits outweighed the harms. Sainio stated that it was difficult for him to get used to the fact that the body no longer moves in the same way automatically.
– You have to learn a completely new trajectory. It’s funny and annoying at the same time. But this is not the kind of constant crying into your sleeve, but learning something new, and at the same time getting irritated, the radio host said.
Information package about MS
According to the Health Library, MS is a disease of the central nervous system that affects the ability to exercise and function.
In an autoimmune disease, the body attacks its own tissues by forming antibodies. In this case, the antibodies are directed against the nerve branches of the white matter of the brain or spinal cord and the myelin sheath that surrounds them.
There is no curative treatment for the disease, but current drug treatments can influence its prognosis and the course of the wave-like type of MS.
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