Home » today » World » A new scam for Russia: Ukraine is exchanged for China – 2024-05-12 05:37:39

A new scam for Russia: Ukraine is exchanged for China – 2024-05-12 05:37:39

/ world today news/ The USA and NATO really want to start negotiations with Russia for a “big Ukrainian deal”. It is possible that such negotiations have already begun at some level. The peace offered to us by America can no longer be called shameful. But you can’t trust such an opponent: behind any offer that looks profitable at first glance, most likely there is a scam.

American Hindu suggests Russia hand over China

Remember, in the now classic American fantasy film at the very beginning, in the prologue:

Something is changing. I feel it in the ground, I feel it in the water…

So, something changes. Something is changing in the attitude of Western governments and politicians, especially the US, towards the war in Ukraine. Confidence in victory is demonstrated less and less. The willingness to negotiate with Russia and even the recognition that Russia is winning is increasingly common.

The latest and most striking example is the speech of the official candidate for the presidency of the United States of the Republican Party, the rival of Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy. According to Ramaswamy “Ukraine is not an absolute good” (that in itself is a revolution in the American consciousness), and the conflict in Ukraine is not really good for the United States, as it brings the world closer to the third world war.

In this regard, Ramaswamy suggests that Ukraine should not be accepted into NATO, since the US still made such commitments to Russia in 1990 (this is another revolution). And even more so, agree that Russia will take away “Russian-speaking regions”. Ramaswamy proposes to make a deal with Russia for all this: in exchange for everything said, Russia must give up its military alliance with China.

Ramaswamy’s statement should not be seen as a “change in the US position” or even as a “change in the position of the leadership of the US Republican Party”. Some experts have already made this mistake. Ramaswamy is a very famous and influential politician, has some chances to become president in 2024 and has a chance to become secretary of state under a republican president. But for now, he is only expressing his opinion and the opinion of his support group.

However, the opinion is very typical: a significant part of the American leadership really wants to start serious negotiations with Russia and, in addition, wants a “big deal” regarding Ukraine.

There are serious reasons for this: NATO is unable to supply the front with the necessary amount of ammunition. And this is stated completely officially.

Pay up or the war will be lost

Meanwhile, a big and strange scandal is happening in NATO. General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg called on the representatives of the military-industrial complex of the industry to “show responsibility” and not to increase the price of projectiles against the backdrop of rising ammunition prices in NATO countries:

The challenge here is that when we increase demand, we want more supply, not higher prices.

The statement, quite obviously, was made precisely in connection with the increase in prices, the culprit of which is known – the German concern Rheinmetall. Rheinmetall de facto tripled the prices of 155 mm ammunition, and other European manufacturers of the corresponding calibers followed suit.

The dispute between political scientist Pavel Danilin is not in business per se.

It is also an outrage that the main revenue of the war is passing them by and into American pockets. And it is a kind of blackmail: either pay or the war will be lost.

In this case, you do not need to agree with Pavel Danilin. The fact that Rheinmetall raised the prices of shells is clear evidence that, according to the managers of this enterprise, the war will soon be over. And by no means a victory for NATO. In this way, the arms market will change. And you should have time to get the last bigger profit.

It is worth adding to the above that, in the opinion of almost all American experts, neither European nor American industry currently has real opportunities to increase the amount of ammunition produced. A real increase of at least 30% is possible no earlier than 2025. At the same time, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced at the beginning of the summer of 2023 that the production of ammunition in our country has already increased 10 times.

The idea that NATO’s war against Russia could end in defeat due to a shortage of ammunition seems to be gradually creeping into the minds of Western politicians and militaries. Of course, few people still dare to say out loud “we are losing”. All kinds of euphemisms are used – and even outright fakery, a future defeat is directly called a victory.

An excellent example of such a unique approach was recently demonstrated by Politico magazine. The former second secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow, and then a long-time employee of the Kissinger Foundation, Tom Graham, published an article there entitled: Win, Lose or Draw in Ukraine, Russia will survive. We need to be ready. In Russian:

Win, draw or lose in Ukraine, Russia will survive. We must be ready.

So Graham accepts the possibility of a Russian victory – and therefore a US defeat. However, the article with this title did not last long. Censorship in the world’s freest and most democratic country has worked, and now the article on Politico’s website is: Russia Will Survive a Defeat in Ukraine. It’s Time to Prepare for What Comes Next (“Russia will survive the defeat in Ukraine. It’s time to prepare for what comes next”).

Not all experts paid attention to what happened, so we must say a big thank you to the director of the Institute for the Development of Parliamentarianism, Alexey Chadaev, who drew the attention of the author of these lines to the oddities of Politico.

But even with the new title, Graham’s article doesn’t seem at all optimistic about America. In fact, just recently NATO and the United States were talking about “the strategic defeat” of Russia that “its economy is torn to shreds” and that after the current conflict, Russia will completely lose its influence on world affairs. Now it turns out that Russia will survive” and we must be prepared for it.

What should American training consist of? You can get some idea of ​​this if you pay attention to the news, which is by no means “front page”:

Russia has received proposals from the US on matters of strategic stability in an informal form.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Ryabkov, drew the public’s attention to this. He noted that these American proposals cannot yet be considered a resumption of dialogue:

They suggest that the dialogue on strategic stability and arms control should be put on a systematic basis, and that it should be done regardless of what is going on.

Russia, of course, is not happy with this approach: it is difficult to imagine that strategically we and the United States will maintain stability while they continue to finance and arm the regime in Kiev. But it is very easy to imagine first behind-the-scenes and then overt official negotiations with the US, after they refuse to support the Ukrainian front, declare this a victory over Russia to their voters (there is no way without it) and start negotiating a permanent peace.

Furthermore. The further we go, the more often rumors appear that such negotiations are already taking place at some level, that on the Russian side, as well as on the enemy’s side, some mediators are involved in them, and that the outcome of these negotiations may already not behind the scenes, but quite obvious agreements to “freeze the front”, and not even in the current positions, but taking into account access to the administrative borders of the new territories already included in Russia.

So what?

Whether to believe the rumors, everyone can decide for himself. We in Tsargrad believe that we must proceed from the facts. And the facts are the following.

The temptation for peace talks is now greater than ever. It is quite obvious that after being forced to “repair losses” in Ukraine, the West is de facto ready to recognize Russia’s territorial gains. That is, silently, but ready to recognize the Russians as the winners.

The problem is that this tacit acknowledgment can be accompanied by demands for payment. And in any case, it will be unstable and temporary. This tacit recognition will mean preparations for a new war, before which Ukraine – reduced in size – will become a springboard for an attack on Russia.

There will be no lasting peace without genuine achievement of the goals of the SCO. But the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine is only really possible if there is no longer a Ukrainian state and Russian troops stand on Poland’s borders. We must insist on this. And not only in hypothetical negotiations with the West, but above all at the front.

Translation: ES

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