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a new preventive treatment approved by the government

If the eighth wave of Covid-19 hadn’t had a great impact on the daily life of the French a few months ago, the ninth wave, brought by new variants of Omicron, has begun to be felt for a few days in health facilities throughout France. As cases and hospitalizations increase due to the coronavirus, the government is currently evaluating restore the use of the mandatory mask In public transport. The Minister of Health, François Braunhe also held a press conference on the subject on Friday 9 December 2022. During his speech, he made an important announcement in particular, which was then formalized the following day, with the publication of a decree in the Official newspaper. From now on, doctors will have the possibility to prescribe to their patients a new preventive treatment to fight the Covid-19, namely Paxlovid. This product is intended for the most fragile people, to help them not develop a serious form of the virus.

However, the doctor’s prescription for this drug will only be usable if the affected patient tests positive for Covid-19. “This conditional dispensation order may be given to the patient prior to any SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly during a follow-up visit, particularly if the prescriber identifies a risk of difficulty accessing the prescription for the patient “, is is written in (…)

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