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A new Premier League with Celtic and Rangers?

After the failed attempt to create a European Super League, England’s ‘big six’ remains convinced to renew the current Premier League to increase revenue.

Attempts to generate new forms of money in football do not stop. A few hours ago we saw the European Super League fall after the massive repudiation by fans, players and coaches from around the world. The rejection was massive both on the streets and on social networks. The Premier League clubs were the first to give up on this ambitious project but they did not put aside their idea of ​​renewing the current competition system.

The newspaper The Sun It has reported that they are working quietly to add Celtic and Rangers to the current Premier League. That would make it a “British Super League” with a renewed format. Unlike what happened with the aforementioned project, this would not generate the same rejection at a global level. It would even get the go-ahead from FIFA, UEFA and the UK government if it goes ahead.

What would the new format look like?

The idea is to reduce the number of teams in the top flight to 18 clubs. This proposal is not new since in the outdated “Big Picture” project headed by Liverpool and Manchester United that idea was already brewing. In addition, there would be a play-off with the top four at the end of the season.

Of course, the project is in drafts and far from confirming its new competition format. But the idea of ​​renewing the Premier League seeking to make it more attractive is still valid. The intention is to generate more spectators, adding the Scottish teams, in order to have more sponsors and more profits.

Would the Scottish league support an escape from these clubs?

The ball used in the Scottish League

The Scottish league, far from being the most competitive today, would not see the departure of the Glasgow giants with such bad eyes. The remaining teams that make up this competition would not only have a better chance of obtaining a title but also of qualifying for the Champions League. That is, they would have a better chance of generating income.

Of course, such a change should have a vote and also have to overcome various bureaucratic hurdles. For this to happen, several weeks of negotiations are needed to reach a good port.

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